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►Main Feral Armory
#snupy #shadowlands #feraldruid
Hey snupy ggs , what covenant do you prefer for feral pvp overall?
Can you please play another class 😀 I really want to see u play smth else!!
i see u with the OTK jacket
Hello. What do you think of the Kyrian Covenant for feral? How playable is it?
My man's back at it again! Your comment about kiting. Would you say that every go you should pop the damage and get out? Unless you know for sure you got the kill? Think it's something I'm struggling with. Hoping to get to your level, but I have a long way to go.
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Hey mate do u think there is a way to play necroferal with frenzyband legendary? Nice vid
Was wondering why i like never see u using hibernate vs BM pets?
Is there a reason for it or you just tend to forget about it? 😀
Great content btw keep it up!
It's called "Mungle Cleave", duh
Windows key + E , is what you hit by accident. opens Windows Explorer
We used to call this Tiger Cleave (in 3s at least).