SoD 25 Class Choosing Guide / Class Overviews | World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery

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Literally pulled an all nighter and edited for 16 hours straight to get this video out today. Worth? I guess we’ll find out. Anyway, this is the second longest video I’ve ever done. I tried to be very in depth and cover the most important things for every class and only use the most up to date information. I think I got most of it, but I couldn’t cover everything and since this is prerelase some things will obviously change.

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I stream right here on Youtube, so stick around for that. The streams are glorious.

You can also follow me on Instagram for updates when I go live and other random tings, although I kinda forget about it all the time. I’ll post on there again someday.. probably.

0:00 Insightful Intro
1:40 Priest
5:33 Rogue
10:25 Mage
16:00 Druid
19:55 Shaman
26:14 Paladin
31:40 Hunter
40:26 Warlock
45:01 Warrior
49:56 Insightful Outro


24 thoughts on “SoD 25 Class Choosing Guide / Class Overviews | World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery”

  1. Rewind Time is a targeted ability that’s why it says your “current target.” It’s not worded wrong it’s just not an AOE ability.

    Also, they’ve already said they are introducing and revamping gear to provide different stats to different classes so the concerns of rogues not becoming crit immune or shamans not having any avoidance are most likely fixed already.

  2. You put way too much bass on your microphone I can hear your voice 3-4 times because of all the voice filters. Please do not use voice filters, if you are not confident of your voice that you will need many filters, then you shouldn't become a content creator because eventually you will sound different and people will notice. Stop relying on voice filters, it's extremely difficult to understand your voice when you mumble it becomes just bass noise.

  3. Note about the Manual Crowd Pummeler for druids: the blizzcon tease implied that gnomeregan might be another raid. So that item will probably be removed/changed. Even if not, it won't be farmable even at 60 due to lockout.

  4. shadowpriest has 1 ability that can crit and is COMPLETELY mana starved with the spells they already had. adding more spells to zero mana pool is not the move

  5. The Warlock Tank definitely sounds strong. I will definitely be giving all the classes a go though. Appreciate the video, thank you for taking the time to break things down in detail on the runes. Much, much appreciated! Take care!

  6. Is it just me but does the Paladin lady in the intro look like she is rocking a 'Horseshoe Mustache', because it is so dark and also because of the outlining on the helmet?


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