SoD Hunter – Best Runes and Talents Marksman Guide | World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery

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Collect 2 Epics for FREE in Raid ✅ []⚡️Lightsworn + Juliana (after reaching level 15)⚡️Available only via the link and for new players. See you on the battlefield!

MARKSMAN STILL LIVES! Yeah, all the talk is about BM and Melee builds, but Marksman is still here. Let’s get into it, because it’s actually pretty fun. Join this channel to get access to perks: advice for how I can improve the vids? Post it in the comments! I’d love some feedback. I stream right here on Youtube, so stick around for that. The streams are glorious. You can also follow me on Instagram for updates when I go live and other random tings, although I kinda forget about it all the time. I’ll post on there again someday.. probably.

Join this channel to get access to perks:

Any advice for how I can improve the vids? Post it in the comments! I’d love some feedback.

I stream right here on Youtube, so stick around for that. The streams are glorious.

You can also follow me on Instagram for updates when I go live and other random tings, although I kinda forget about it all the time. I’ll post on there again someday.. probably.


0:00 Chimeric Intro
2:35 Runes
5:55 Talents
6:50 Rotation
9:12 Pets
11:50 Stat Priority
12:24 Consumables
14:00 Professions
14:50 Marksman for Leveling
15:49 Marksman in the Meta
17:30 Chimeric Outro


23 thoughts on “SoD Hunter – Best Runes and Talents Marksman Guide | World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery”

  1. Saying that marksman is dogshit at leveling is ridiculous. All you have to do is not start out your rotation with aimed shot. Hunter without spending a single talent point is still already the best leveling class in the game by a country mile.

  2. If you are out questing with a cat pet, turn off claw and use bite. Claw uses too much pet focus and the cat won’t be able to use growl. Using bite with growl will be better since bite has a cool down allowing pet focus to regenerate to use both abilities.

  3. You should do melee next, everyone and their mom plays BM and it's really nothing new or interesting. I'd like to see your opinion on talent builds now that we know traps can't be used in combat. When in melee it seems the best option is to break out and ranged weave between swings, so decreased mana cost on stings and shots, and improved Aspect of the Hawk is probably way more useful than increased trap damage.


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