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Tomorrow we go into the Season of Discovery. Many of us, as hunters, hmr as some call it. This is advice for all those wonderful people blessed by HJ himself. This will be the last video for a little while, going to be working on a lot of streams over the next few weeks.
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Any advice for how I can improve the vids? Post it in the comments! I’d love some feedback.
I stream right here on Youtube, so stick around for that. The streams are glorious.
You can also follow me on Instagram for updates when I go live and other random tings, although I kinda forget about it all the time. I’ll post on there again someday.. probably.
0:00 Launch Intro
0:39 Races for Hunters
3:21 Runes & Talents
6:40 Professions
7:25 Gear to Watch For
10:43 Pets
13:00 Launch Outro
Dope shit, any chance to squeeze in the same for any other classes before launch
I wonder how will melee hunter manage mana… Retri+enha spec all have now some mana recuperation but what about hunter ? Spammy Raptor strike + aoe carve all costs mana
Why not BM tree for melee hunter ?
I'm going full melee for the hunter this time. Ranged is just more of the same and I'm here for the variety.
can you tame humar at lvl25 ?
SoD hype, hunter jesus incoming, love the videos as always, going orc BM spec for lvling, then transition to mm, lets see how much dmge will pet do with pet scaling and 5% bonus atack dmge from orc passive, hope too see more deep hunter videos as always, keep up the good work 😀
Johnny Depp plays classic wow, nice.
Night elf hunters also have increased agility in class , might be worth rolling NE over dorf!
As weapon deff want to get armor piercer in rfk
+ 11 agil requires lvl 24
BM is hands down brocken get on and play it before its patched there is no way it will be staying that way for 2 long., 80% focus regen for the pet with a 30% damage buf with a extra 20% dam from talent unleashed furry turn of everything except claw and growl and the pet will be machine gunning Claw
Don't forget boars get -10% damage and mana pets(Serpent) suffer the same issue + mana. Although your pet will be dead within 4 attacks so perhaps only burst matters.
So for flanking strike… slow weapons are better right? Does that make staves (IE crescent staff) the way to go for melee hunter?
I expect gnomer to be doable at 25 and doing higher lvl dungeons at 25 will probably be even more fun than the lvl 25 raid.
I like trolls but dont want to fall behind in late game world pvp. Is it a risk?
Groups of 25s running rfk and gnomer is gonna be interesting.. Imo those are going to be shi shows even with decently experienced / geared groups.
Nice vid man
Thanks bud
melee hunter incoming, cant wait to be denyed raiding spots!
Thanks for your great hunter videos. You and Hunter Jesus helped get my Dwarf Hunter to lvl 60 in HC Classic. I didn’t even make the usual Alchemy or Engineering, I did Leatherworking. 👍🏼
Any chance Scorpid Poison could stack reliably with all the extra focus regen or was the damage not buffed until TBC?
I'm planning on going boar for leveling and pvp. If charge grants 180 melee AP, that might be interesting paired with flanking strike.
New pets? tell me more
I'm so torn on what race to play for hunter.. I've always played alliance over the years and have played every alliance race of hunter at least once. I'm rolling horde for SOD and it's so hard to pick my personal favorite race of Troll because pet damage with pet scaling and axe specialization for melee hunter… probably going to have to go orc
wouldn't gizotron be insane for melee hunter?
Any theory craft about pets? Correct me if im wrong, but if pet damage is normalised, wouldn't it be more beneficial for flanking strikes to have pet with slowest attack speed possible? As far as i can tell its just a young bear from elwynn forest, but bears generally have low damage multiplier.
step 1 get chimera shot at lvl 2 from quest step 2 hit lvl 25 instantly step 3 do wsg for lvl 25 gun 🙂
I'm one of the weirdos that loved survival being made into a melee spec in modern WoW, so I'm all for a melee hunter in classic.
so I basically still need to use pet even on marksman
Is Dire Maul soloable for a Hunter, i didn't play for ages i thought Blizz "fix" it?
Friendly tip. Get a better mic or enunciate more. Thanks for the vid!
I played hunter back in 2003 and your videos have me wanting to play hunter again. I'm making a hunter tonight for SoD
AP normalization doesn't equalize damage across fast and slow weapons. It just gives a fixed multiplier to attackpower scaling based on the type of weapon you are using (dagger, 1h, 2h) rather than using the weapons own speed. The damage of the weapon itself is still a lot more for slow weapons than fast weapons, and gets added to the strike as normal. 2H weapons also get slightly higher AP multiplier than 1h IIRC (1.7 for daggers, 2,4 for 1h, 2,7(?) for 2h) not sure about that last one though.
Made some tests with Flanking Strike and 2 different pets.
A level 8 wolf with 2.0 atk speed and the Black Bear from DunMorogh with 2.5, both max satisfaction.
The wolf is doing between 6-9dmg when the bear already hits for 12, so I guess the skill is affected by the pet's damage range.
Johnny Depp, is that you?
Link the pet vids please
no combat traps ):
so what do i do for horde, troll or orc?
Tauren Hunter for the lolz
how about first sobering up, getting out of bed and finishing your meal before recording voiceover?
Hi found this very useful new to classic played some retail hunter but pet management is abit confusing any tips/help with this as i feel i have to feed it every 2 minutes like 2-3 meat to stop it running away like my last 3 aha thanks
I was wondering if Takk has his movement speed again. Probably not though. I stumbled on some online posts about people taming Wyverns and them counting as wind serpents? Petopia specifically. Got yourself a sub, let's master SoD together
/praying to Hunter Jesus for a big update on all this sheeiit
hi i have a question, how to get growl skill for pet
already 25 atm, but my pet only have 1 skill
You want scorpion trust me huge scaling posin damage