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Soda judges Tyler1 playing World of Warcraft (Classic) for the first time.
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Soda judges Tyler1 playing World of Warcraft (Classic) for the first time.
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8:56 the moment Soda realized he isn't in a discord call
kool with a k
soda dumb af thinking these braindead streamers can first time wow with 200 addons clogging up their screen. It's like trying to introduce a friend to a movie or tv series you like and you spend the entire thing yelling over them 'THIS GUY DOES THIS AND ITS COOL WHEN THIS GUY IS HERE AND THEN OMG WAIT TIL THIS HAPPENS' like just stfu and let them watch (or play, in this case.) These idiots don't need all these addons until they know how the game works in the first place.
I hate people that follow streamers around. It's so fucking annoying and such loserish behaviour
No matter how many times he'll die, he will get 60 and raid because he's fucking insane
Lol, he's teaching chat how to think like a middle manager. Corporate approves, 10/10
Leave it to soda to judge a new player for being new and clueless
7:24 yall let them talk to you like that and then send them your money😂😂😂😂
worst game to try being a new player in next to path of exile
T1 is such a great entertainer
back in vanilla bramblewine ravine were where you died from the first time or to the boars outside an dit had more quests than are current in classic which made you 1 level higher at least going to the next zone -classic starting zone are " nerfed kind a lot -you were expected to were there and 1 hour or more before going to the next zone -Now i can do these in 30 min more or less
would be gold if someone got him to agree to a mokgura.
“I’ll kill you…in a duel” got me so good. As a comedian he’s truly built different
Soda didn't realize this was a crash course and nothing from this day matters, t1 crash coursing the game like this is probably for the best like climbing the stairs any way you can think of before stepping up 2 steps at a time.
Knowledge required to play Classic WoW: is your monitor turned on?
ez game ez life level 8 already TONK TUAHHH
It's not the game that's hard it's the Programming Nuance of the world
Isn’t the sprint button by default /. The one near the numpad. toggles sprint/ walk
T1 viewers are SOOOO degenerate..
anyone who thinks a quest addon is cheating is a masochist vanilla quests are some of the biggest time wastes in existence walk 1 hour to a zone only to find out you should have brought an item or picked up a quest back at the start now you wasted 3 hours of your life and half of the quests that send you to other zones are just bait to waste your life for nearly no xp
tonk TUAH 😂 fizz on that thang ❗️
The sound of menus closing and opening nonstop and then tyler screaming is so fucking funny literal cinema