So'leah's Gambit +27 | Shadowlands Season 3 | Enhancement Shaman | Waves

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Lashing Flames, Hot Hand, Spirit Wolf, Fire Nova, Nature’s Guardian, Sundering, Elemental Spirits

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23 thoughts on “So'leah's Gambit +27 | Shadowlands Season 3 | Enhancement Shaman | Waves”

  1. Thank you for the upload Waves. I have a Question to the whole enhance Community. In m+ is there a target count to prio chain lightning over like stormstrike/hot hands procs? Somtimes i feel like i should dump the Stacks but is that worth it in big pulls like gambit at the beginning?

  2. Have been pushing on enhance for a bit now, patiently waiting for a guide, looking forward to your usual detailed rotation explanation because I feel like I'm missing some crucial nuance bits to really push my gameplay into the highest gear.

    Enhance is fun for sure, but yeah, watching a destro warlock destroy a 15+ mob pull by spamming rain of fire is painful sometimes. It's not a problem for me or for my group, BUT the community perception is almost always completely reductive about overall damage. 27 GAMBIT ONLY PUMPERS OR NO INVITE.

    Thank you and good luck with your IRL stuff and a potential new guild!

  3. Waves! Your jot a guy, your a shaman bro you got this lol….naw in all seriousness I don't get to check out streams much and so I always like the videos that get put out. You are the one that got me into a shaman back in last expansion. Do you sir, I can't even imagine how much stress and work you have had to put in for the world first race. If anyone is possed about you not uploading, we'll they need to get a life of their own. Have a good day brotha.

  4. Nice to see you back on YouTube. Thank you for the explanation on your recent WoW journey, but many of us are just fans of your content and you. We don't need any explanation for why you play or don't play. When you make a video, we'll be here because you make the best Enhance content for multiple expansions now.
    Take care of yourself and make a schedule that makes you happy; not us happy.

  5. I have to ask, since I'm new to enh and been spending sm time on such vids, what are those two abilities. At 7.28 before and after stormstrike exactly

  6. 1st time on comments.. but i feel i had to explain.. the reason i only check youtube.. like u Said we are all only humans.. and in my case is hard to handle work, wife, kid, university, and night with friends.. so i actualy see your videos while on breaks or lunch hour.. the litle time i have free im actualy trying to keep up with my old TBC enhancement shaman.. só Thats why i never joined a stream. Now.. not like all of That matters to u and even less to any One reading.. but since u kinda needed to explain (and i think That u didnt) i needed to explain That i got very happy with ur vídeo today and That um sure There are a lot off ppl like me That just enjoy your time and work to upload them… That being Said u were Also right on your comment take time to make a proper decission.. on game and irl.. and i'll be happy to check your vídeos while u fell u have the time to make them… /Cheer


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