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After wreaking terror and destruction on Azeroth, Nathanos Blightcaller is made to answer for his crimes.
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“Is this the best you can do?”
The lesson is never celebrate too early, especially the boss still don’t appear yet
Filthy alliance bias
If only one good thing came out of Shadowlands, it is this filth simp Nathanos is gone
He died where he started, even with his 2 dogs… Ironic
He went out like an absolute G
Looks to me illidan was right all along 😂😂
wait….aren't Night Elves suppose to be like seven feet tall? So Tyrande is should be taller than Nathanos – right?
When your death is more epic than the person who killed you’s entire arc
1:10 this sound reminds me of Maiev's blade on Warcraft 3.
still hate her for the killsteal
Nathanos would have use fake death
No blood on her sword? Lame…
The only catharsis in all this is one of the single worst characters this franchise has had the misery of catering to was finally removed. God awful self insert should never have even existed.
"your power has grown"
"Completely powerless to stop the coming-"
Me: you just said her power grew!
Hello. Who can tell what kind of music is playing in this video?
My priestess…
5 THOQ 1:00
Sylvanas did nothing wrong~
1:53 see how her eyes widen? malfurion never moaned her name like that
Honestly my favorite scene of the whole Xpac.
2:16, 2:17, 2:18
Tyrande or boyfriend must die in the next patches.
love the way she softly speaks "for teldrassil"
It should have been Maiev
They did Nathanos Blightcaller so dirty
She walks off like Brandon Lee did in The Crow after sending the car off the dock