SPOILERS! Secret Cult of Revendreth, The Invisible Army of the Shadowlands

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From the World of Warcraft Novel Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, the secrets of Revendreth in WoW Shadowlands and Sire Denathrius.

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11 thoughts on “SPOILERS! Secret Cult of Revendreth, The Invisible Army of the Shadowlands”

  1. On the topic of the Remornia turning the Arbiter off, it was said that whatever the red thing is, its still there, inside the constuct. – >its in the jailer now. I believe it was Xavious soul and/or prolly essence of nightmare dragon??? (tinfoilhat on) or Argus soul even is an option. But the red soul never left.

  2. Alright before anyone goes lol pet battles, Remornia as a battle pet has an ability like what was shot at the Arbiter and its a pretty strong move. So Denathrius using Remornia to take down the Arbiter makes sense for sure

  3. My problem with Denathrius being the one who brought down the Arbiter is this: if it was so easy for him to throw Remornia (or whatever that red light was) at the Arbiter and disrupt the Shadowlands that way, why wait until the timeline of Legion to do so? If Denathrius could've done this at any time, why do so only recently?

  4. What boss did we kill that was full of tormented souls? The Desolate host, Tomb of srgaras ofc! It was a soul almagation (the skin is used in the maw btw) from the Night elf cemetry that the tomb was built on, corrupted and baited for us to kill and send 1000's of souls to the arbitor all at once to overload her with sorrow.


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