STATE of ALL 6 TANKS | The War Within BETA

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0:12 Blood Death Knight
3:06 Guardian Druid
5:24 Brewmaster Monk
7:20 Vengeance Demon Hunter
9:20 Protection Paladin
11:10 Protection Warrior
12:16 Summary

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39 thoughts on “STATE of ALL 6 TANKS | The War Within BETA”

  1. blizzard is trying to incentivize tanks taking tanking talents, i saw that your attempt at taking ring of peace to save yourself, should instead have had to be invested into taking some other tanking talent. but who am i to judge an american mda player?

  2. This is from a push key perspective. My question is: Will it actually be harder to tank a +10 key in TWW than in S4? I think difficulty there won't be changed at all.

  3. I feel like the tank nerfs hit paladin the hardest. They took away a lot from the active mitigation, which is kind of their only strength, while other tanks mainly got their passive tankiness nerfed here and there. They were already pretty awful in self sustain.

  4. Anyone who play retails lfg m+ for as little as 2 hours will realize that there is shortage of tanks. People are staring at the fountain in valdrakken into their souls while wait a shield icon player joining their group. I play DFS4 as shadow priest and I'm doing 16-17 keys. When not queuing with a tank, I could have a group of four people waiting in main city for the entire afternoon. The shortage of tank situation gets better in TWW beta testing because BDK is meta tank role. BDK is extremely skill demanding. When you press a consecutive series of buttons in short window of time correctly, you manage to pull hard pull no other tanks can do. This is rewarding and motivation for me to play a tank in TWW S1. But hang on a sec. Shouldn't tank role be for dumber people who can't play a dps class as good as the dps players and tank player are just NPCs in real life who devote their entire gameplay and bear 80% of the pressure from m+ and let the three protagonist dps players go "WOO WOO ahh ahh" wild in meters and the most main character dps player with the biggest dick can pump TOP damage and brag at the end of the key and say "DUUUUeeewD chEck mY dAmAgE"? YOU ARE HAVING FUN? AS A TANK? FK YOU.

  5. I hate this dependency on aug evoker. I knew from the start when the spec was announced this will be a problem. Now everything seems to be balanced around it and you will have to pick it the higher you go with keys

  6. Tanks have been too strong for a long long time. Very little skill involved with them currently, and yes I play one. They need nerfing to help the game going forward.

  7. Tanking shouldn't be any more stressful than dps or healing. The game doesn't need to be overly challenging for it to be enjoyable. I could be wrong, but the 3.2 million daily FFXIV logins might agree with me.

  8. This video (and all of the others I've seen) has confirmed (again) that Aug evoker was the worst thing to be added to this game. It killed DF for me and It will be the same on TWW, thanks Blizz!

  9. All the absorb shield talents are so weak for prot paladin in war within beta. pop divine toll on a big pack of mob and barely get a 5% hp absorb shield lol. Its a joke how badly scaled their talents are and thats the problem with prot pala.

  10. I just love your content so much. You're just a natural… I can listen to those videos and commentary and down-to-earth voice all day long… respect! <3

  11. Can someone explain why tanks r mad at tanks getting nerfed? I quit dragonflight for academic reasons, i dont really understand the tanking landscape rn but in my experience, i like to feel like theres a chance im gonna die if i dont play my spec well.

  12. i see i am not the only one having problem with brew aggro … 5min 52 all health bar turning red meaning loosing aggro. Think they need to buff the threath coef, should not be possible to loose aggro mid fight with add half of their health.

  13. Biggest reason I can't play bear again is because you just always see a bear.

    This may seem silly but it gets really old."oh a really cool new tier status coming out😢 too bad I'll never see it unless I'm standing in town"

    You lose out completely on all of the fun of transmogging.
    You never are different from any other druid. All of you have all of the same forms, and at the end of the day they're just variations of the same thing. No matter what you do you're still a bear or a owl bear same thing really.

    I'll probably play as prop paladin. Even though I know it's the weakest right now it'll get buffed.


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