State of DISC PRIEST in Shadowlands

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How is the state of Disc Priest in Shadowlands? Well Clandon, Hellpriesto and Smallpriest from the WarcraftPriests discord will definitely give you some answers as we take a look at the 9.0.5 disc priest in all facets of pve so regardless if your into playin 9.0.5 disc priest m+ or are heavily into raiding, we got you! We also talk about the 9.1 disc priest changes, the covenant legendaries, talents, shadowlands disc priest rotation and generally get a good grip on what is and what could be, essentially the shadowlands disc priest gameplay 🙂 As always stick to MarcelianOnline for more spec specific chats and also be sure to check out the boys on the links below:

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Smallpriest Twtich

Clandon’s Discipline Priest Guide

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21 thoughts on “State of DISC PRIEST in Shadowlands”

  1. So strange to hear people complain that there is a solution to a problem (spirit shell). I can see it would make more sense to have multiple smaller shield spells. Rift did a good job at that.

    Also "Purge the Wicked" sounds a lot like "Burn the Infidel"

  2. I love the discussion on the spec. I wish you had a PvPer on to get an additional perspective on the class. High end raids and Mythics seem to require so much more commitment from the casual player that it seems unreachable. Thanks for posting a cool round table about the class.

  3. I have been playing disc in RBGs and I've taken off the radiance training wheels and it does feel bad. I keep feeling like the spec has some unlocked potential. I'll keep trying to master it, though. I feel it's the healer that requires the highest skill cap and I love the challenge.

  4. WotLK player, returned for SL… Disc is rough now, I have a much easier time healing with my Resto Druid, though I can say I don't do nearly as much damage on my Resto. It seems that with making Disc heal through damage that all healers are expected to damage now, which doesn't feel good when you're hitting like a wet noodle.

    I LIKE the idea of healing by doing damage, but it's no longer a unique thing when it becomes a necessity of all healers. I do miss having spells like Prayer of Mending, Binding Heal, Prayer of Healing… it seems like some of these could have come back with the unpruning so that Disc still felt like a healing Priest, and had more options to straight heal when more healing is needed, but can heal through Atonement when a lot isn't needed. This would give the healing options Clandon and Hellpriesto were suggesting Disc needed between Atonement healing and Shadowmend spamming.

    I main Shadow and don't heal as Disc a ton now, that's just my take on how it feels now having last healed on it back in Cata.

  5. Great Podcast i can listen that format about Disc for hours. Most fun spec n being hard to master is great. Grevious with Twist of faith n ShadowCov i pretty fun even with PugS. Spaminng Shadow Mend is making U Holy with Flash Concentration ^^ n there is not an issue for doing that, so why Disc can not do that? Just drink every pool and use potions frequently. Thanks for that video, looking forward for more about DISC! Disc is love 😋

  6. listening to the discussion about m+ vs raid tuning, I have a quick fix, that would be super unpopular — i fear. put a soft "aoe cap" on atonement. maximum trough-put up to 5 atonements and scaling setting in for +5 atonements.

  7. First expansion back since raiding in cataclysm, always mained disc. Prayer of healing crits into divine aegis bubbles was so fun, same with shielding someone to gain “borrowed time” then using the haste buff to slap a fat heal/greater heal on them was perfect for bringing people back from dead. And you could do it with AOE using the clear mind talent or whatever it was called. now we have two direct heals, shadow mend or PWR. They tried to make it extra niche but then decided it was too niche and needed other healers to do damage too. Doesn’t make any damn sense. We have no emergency aoe, PWR long ass cast time and low healing just to start a ramp that you hopefully get off before anyone die. They should bring back divine aegis, borrowed time (or a similar passive buffing the next direct heal after shielding) make PWR shorter cast time, and just get rid of spirit shell cuz every none priest wants to complain and get it nerfed to the ground. Give us another two direct heal, one instant cast, one AOE maybe

  8. Disc priest was the reason I quit the game. I’ve had constant anxiety in every m+ dungeon and even tho I was trying my hardest I’d still get insulted from my group. It didn’t feel good at all to play disc in pve.

  9. New feature, make shadow form trigger on its own based on previous spell casting. Also make a new holy form with cool visuals and buffs a holy spell, also auto trigger. Make a visible bar on the UI that tracks how close to the light or shadows you are. Add a new spell to serve as a combo that, when used, looks at the previous 3 spells and doubles the impact of those on my suggested light and shadow bar. This is to more quickly leave shadow and return to the light and vice versa.


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