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Time to look at the state of Guardian Druid in Shadowlands together with Catha and Pumps. Past, present and future, talents, the upcoming 9.1 guardian druid changes packed up with legendaries, covenants and all that we can fit in an hour long discussion. We also go through the 9.0.5 guardian druid status and enter a bit of a speculation on what can possibly be added to the spec in future expansions, so sit tight and enjoy 🙂
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MON▶️ MO Cast (Chill Discussions with WoW Personalities)
WED▶️ Shadowlands Class Guide
FRI ▶️ Friday WoW Tier List (Shadowlands Tier Lists based on the latest logs)
SUN ▶️ Shadowlands Class Guide (Or a general WoW Guide)
This video is going to be un-bear-able, and I love it.
Thank you 🙂
I looked at that video length and decided I will make dinner then watch it.
BAER friends are best friends.
:meow: :handshake: :MasteryStackers:
[REDACTED] will [REDACTED] this for [REDACTED]™©® 🐻
Now the question the Dreamgrove community hasn't solved
Berenstain or Berenstein bears?
For everything boomkin related, will you guys get Nagura? She's also hella good boomkin, remember her world first blackhand And community loves her
Love y'all. Before I start a new character I look up y'all's guides . Keep it Up!!!!
We need more bear buffs
As far as I have checked number one bear is Tomoboar knows us dorki on twtich/yt and last season was the same
Great content, wish it would be even 3h video every two weeks on friday and other 2 weeks tier lists
could you make a enchantment shaman video
Tomoboar and ur 12,599 rank says otherwise Pumps xD look at facts before you claim to be the best xD
loving my fresh 60 GDruuuude
they dont like to rework classes in the middle of an expansion anymore… Thanks ion ! you fun sucking bastard xD
I’m looking at buying a new keyboard for wow. What kind of keyboard do y’all recommend and do y’all use the keypads one?
Love the turtle shirt!
Give bears Den Mother in PVE.
Symbiosis I miss for all ..having bone shield/consecration in bear was fun
Resto druid and then guardian?! Have the stars aligned?!
👍 BearChamp
No dorki sadge
How awesome would it be that if you are Kyrian to turn into an angel for 9.1 flying.
Just in time, starting a 1:30 hour car drive
I think my largest problem with the Druid class in general is it doesn't feel like a cohesive class. Instead it just feels like a collection of 4 random builds with nothing in common. I really wish they'd pick a general theme for the Druid as a baseline and try to build the other specs off it. Take the eclipse and astral power system for example. This would be quite easy to convert to rage (1:1) or power (1 combo point = 20 astral power). They could have easily made moonfire a larger part of both guardian and feral. Take your swipe discussion for example. Swipe could spread moonfire to other targets.
Man esti super chiar as vrea daca se poate sa ne jucam candva sa imi mai dai si mie niste sfaturi🤟 super podcast
i want dat fuckin werebare!!!
Please do this for brewmaster!
Legion bear…never forget…RotS….ugh….miss it so much.
What are the chances that you make DK and Druid videos first, those are the only 2 classes I play. I love it!
Naming the video "The state of guardian druids in shadowlands", then proceeding to talk about the state of guardian druid in past expansions for 20+ mins straight 🙁