State of Unholy Shadowlands Beta (Guide). Covenants, Conduits, Soulbinds, Legendaries and Gameplay.

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The State of Unholy on the Shadowlands Beta. I cover everything new about Unholy as we enter the Shadowlands!

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Pet Claw Macro:
/cast Ability
/cast [@pettarget] claw

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00:00 Introduction
01:00 Changes Pre-Patch to Shadowlands
06:37 Covenant Abilities
17:16 Best Covenant for Unholy
19:56 Conduits
23:40 Soulbinds
26:00 Legendaries
29:42 Playstyle
30:08 Downtime
31:20 Opener Issues
32:53 AoE Scaling
33:45 Cooldown Desync
35:25 Conclusions


49 thoughts on “State of Unholy Shadowlands Beta (Guide). Covenants, Conduits, Soulbinds, Legendaries and Gameplay.”

  1. Started playing Death Knight a few weeks/months ago when I got back into World of Warcraft. Your guides and videos are great, thanks!
    I currently play Frost but I'm also interested in the Unholy specialization. Would like to focus mainly on single-target DPS for raids. I'll most likely pick the Venthyr as my go-to covenant since they seem to have decent synergy with Unholy and Frost which enables switching between those two without the need of switching the covenant as well (also the vampire setting fits pretty good).

  2. Sorry I didn't watch your video. To much anger at Activision owning Blizzard causing it to go down hill.

    Developers leaving, low paid disgruntled support staff. Why I left is it suddenly became oh so hard to give us flying. So No More WoW for me after ten years of WoW. Activision is to Money Hungry – PAY YOUR WORKERS MORE, Get better Developers back.

  3. Absolutely brilliant, loved the video Bicepspump. I hope that you will continue this series as we head into the Shadowlands. Perhaps full guides on certain builds etc, would be very appreciated by the community. As a long time DK-main and cutting edge raider I have always valued your posts and guides very highly, keep the amazing work up!

  4. Hay Bicepspump i have a question i play mainly M+ but also raid cutting edge and play Arena on 2.2-2.4 raiting and im looking for the best spec and build for me can you help me what would you choose (spec,build covenant…)

  5. Do you know if there's any interaction between night fae's signature ability soulshape and death's advance?

    Death's advance "…you cannot be slowed below 100% of normal speed…"

    Soulshape "Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%."

    What if I use death's advance and then I soulshape. Would an enemy player be able to bring me lower than 150% movement speed?

  6. No words on talents? Would gargoyle be viable if we took the deadliest coil legendary and harbinger of doom talent? Heck maybe even throw the embrace death conduit in there.

  7. So…about Covenants, Im a bit unsure. On the one side its Venthyr for Unholy (and blood), BUT I really want to play 2hand Frost as well, so I would go Night Fae for Obliterate cleave. But I fear this specc will never be as good as 1h frost, or Breath builds in general (venthyr). I hate those decisions 😛


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