Sub Rogue Mythic Plus Guide Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 Dungeon Guide

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Welcome to my 9.1.5 Subtlety Rogue Guide. I will teach you how to tackle mythic+ dungeons in Shadowlands on a sub rogue. I will explain talents, gear, legendaries and rotation on various numbers of targets. It should be everything you need to get you going on mythic plus in shadowlands season 2. I hope that my explanations will help you to understand WHY you are pressing the buttons you should press, and not only to repeat how someone tells you how to play.

Sub Rogue Raid Guide:
Shuriken Tornado WA:

Thank you to the Rogue Discord for the resources.
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1:36 – Talents
6:32 – Soulbinds
8:40 – Stats, Gear & Legendaries
10:26 – General Rotation, Tips & Cleave
15:11 – Funnel Damage & Shuriken Tornado

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19 thoughts on “Sub Rogue Mythic Plus Guide Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 Dungeon Guide”

  1. Nice video, just wanna add something, make sure when u use shurikan tornado, that u have enough energy for ur spender aswell. I sometimes tend to forget this and it really sucks, cuz then the tornado is going but u dont have the energy, to use a spender.

  2. Hey man! Found your videos for the MT last week. I played Rogue a bit in Legion, and did the MT with all 3 specs. I’m a Druid main and the last 2 expansions haven’t been super alt friendly. I have to say, though, that you have a very good way of explaining things. I managed the Assassination MT on the way to get my Book mount, but I had such a good time and I learned a lot from your videos now, that I’ve picked up my Rogue more seriously now. You have a definite new subscriber!

  3. I recently found myself, due to the tour of towers achievement, playing sub rogue to do the mage tower, as the other specs for the xylem fight seemed way too weak to accomplish it. While doing the xylem fight, I realized just how much fun sub rogue truly is, I’ve never been a fan of rogue, ever since combat was changed to outlaw, but man… sub rogue is a hell of a lot of fun. I always hear how hard sub rogue is, but I found that it all flowed really well together and was extremely simple, haven’t had this much fun on wow since blood dk’s were super OP. Thanks for the guide.

    On a side note, I got my mount from tour of towers, looking to spend my time playing sub for a while now 😛

  4. a tip because almost nobody talks about it but if you look at the overall dmg at the end of a dungeon at least for me it was allways eviscarate and black powder on the top spots for dmg.

    because of that i tried a mastery/crit build with 33%crit, 100% mastery/ 7% versa /0% haste and it was soo much better.

    it still shreds on focus dmg because of all the eviscarates you can do in big packs and after the aoe target limit undoing its even better with black powder because of all the mastery you are packing.

    a lot of people say i am wrong because of simbots but that are also the people that only stack 35-40% crit chance on assa frost raid setup and not go to 50% like i do and shred with the frost set (you know the more crit assa has the more cp´s you get and you put out even more dmg for the same energy)

  5. Does flagellation still benefit from the symbols buff? and if so, in a pack would you symbols-flag-tornado-dance in that order? or if its not the case, flag-tornado-symbols-dance?


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