Sublety Rogue Beginners Guide 9.2 Shadowlands (part 1)

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Sub rogue guide for PVP part 1 part 2 will be some time at the end of this or next week my editor edited this video lmk how he did in the comments.


34 thoughts on “Sublety Rogue Beginners Guide 9.2 Shadowlands (part 1)”

  1. Part 2 will be with a warfare explaining how to set up.your goes and what to do in the mean will be uploaded between this week and next week depending on how many people want to see it.

  2. hey nice vid, I just got a few questions 1. what specs should you be disarming. 2. does 4 set have a large damage increase from 2 set. 3. evasion says it increases your dodge by 100% for 10 seconds so does that mean your cannot take melee damage for 10 seconds?

  3. Is disgusting, I'm at 2.5K and it's horrible to have to use macros 1 button to counter rogues which depend on how they open you are dead if not in the first in the second open.

  4. Nice vid as always hope the part 2 is gonna be up soon 🙂 and btw have you think about make some review of game to help people like analyze their gameplay etc ? that could be cool ^^

  5. xvic did i get it correctly ?
    minigowithh cheap
    (if enemy is no orc- cheap, dance echo,evis,mfd,evis,cheap,evis,cheap evis)
    if enemy is Orc – cheap, dance, echo, evis , cheap,cheap,evis,mfd evis

    mfd Kidney go

    mfd – evis , echo, evis , shadowstrike , evis , cheap , cheap , evis

    Are we not doing any changes to mfd – kidney go , even if enemy is orc?

  6. Hey man, AWESOME video!!!

    So, I'm new to rogues and to arenas… I was wondering, what would be the best rogue spec for 2's with a mage partner (my brother is playing mage currently)?

    People often say its SUB but you really need to be good at it and have good coordination… since I'm new to rogue, do you think any other spec is easier or should I stick with SUB?


  7. Hey, is that Cosmic Resonator you're using instead of Badge of Ferocity? If so, why don't you have it in the burst makro?
    Thanks, this video helped me with some dmg output I am struggling with


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