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#Rogue #Worldofwarcraft #Guide #Assassination #outlaw #subtlety
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Todays vide is a short video about the build for shadowlands and how to play subtlety rogue optimally. This guide should get you guys up off the ground and hammering huge numbers
#showtooltip Shadow dance
/use Lustrous Golden Plumage
/cast Shadow Dance
/cast Worldvein Resonance
/cast Symbols of Death
/cast shadow blades
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Not here to take part – Here to take over
Niceee oneee!
Ok, time to learn
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Keeping these patch videos short as I feel the info will change regularly! make sure to follow my twitch for more realtime info and Weakauras and UI is in the description for supporters!! Good luck champions – Quality in todays video seems off, not sure if its prepatch related. Will look into it. P.S footage in the video is from 3 rank 1 logs on heroic. My guild isnt raiding mythic for a week or 2 yet
Awesome video thank you infectious I've been wanting to get into Rogue for a while now and I'm going to this expansion I love your content and these videos help me alot keep up the good work
Did you link the macro s cuz I can't seem to find them
great video as always dude!
Assassination always suck in pre patches and beginning of expansions but somehow turns out to be the only valid raiding spec lol
I mean I just logged on and was missing aoe finisher … Then I saw its level 52. Guess I wont play m+ Now.
Hey Infex… What about M+? Can Sub be competitive in prepatch? Or is better another spec?
Quick guide as I like it! Thanks Infexious, great vid, It was all I needed for tonight's raid !
hello, is Dark Shadow really bad option so i have take ES for 1 more SD? :>
What's the major essence? I cant understand his accent
I can see what you mean, that monk charge into the group looked smooky af
thank you! as usual the fastest and best guides for rogues!
great video help me too much, a doubt, is there any right time to use the Shiv skil, or use it whenever available?
Ohhh, so this is the voice actor for every dwarf in the game :p
Great vid btw
And again rogue not top tier dmg :S
Keep up the great work! Really appreciate your videos and content!
For any other Troll Master Race out there, remember to slap a "/cast Berserking" at the end of that macro! In fact always have that baked into w/e Shadow Blades macro you use since both have a 3 min CD.
every other melee: cant wait to be kicked for not be sub
Amazing guide dude helped me learn sub fairly quickly loving the change! Subbed!
when you realize that you never unlocked Worldvein XD
What the F as a major??
Can you do a M+ sub build pls ? great video btw by my single target is insane;)
you can also do shadowstrike then snd -> vanish shadowstrike rapture and then burst 🙂
Which one addon do you use to make ui like this?? 🙂
Why do i love this guys english ? sounds soooo funny 😀
Azerite Essences don't work in the macro due to GCD can anyone confirm?
Worldvein even without other players?
Anyone know what the combat text addon is?
Isn't heart a dead trait without corruption?
anyone see the macro he said he would post for the opener?
my dude should i save up my trinket till my next shadowblades or use it on cd with worldvein and the rest?
Is it possible to share your weakauras please?
I'm new to rouge and fairly new to wow "started in legion" after the opener you say to keep refreshing slice and dice and rupture when they are about to wear off am I suppose to just backstab to generate the combo points to do that until shadow dance is back up? sorry prob. a dumb question I just don't seem to get it and don't wanna green/blue parse like last ex.
Might be a dumb question but is shiv used at all in rotation ? (new to sub rogue trying to learn it)
So – I am returning from a 10 year break from WoW. And I am totally lost. I have a character boosted to 50 – and don't know what skills to use, or how to set things up. Do you have a beginner guide on starting out? Or any advice for prepping for Shadowlands and how I can best learn this spec.
As well as learn the 99% of stuff I am totally lost on…
Please help!
I dont have those abilities for the macro?
Please tell me how to do good AOE damage, does less then single target.
I have difficulties lining up symbols with dance because we get that CD reduction on dance so they don't always line-up perfectly. Any tips for this?
Great video, thank you. Anyone know the Addon used that displays the spell buff and timer on the left of his character? TIA
I have put this macro in but it is only casting my Shadow Dance and not my symbols of death for some reason? have to hit the keybind multiple times to get all casts to go off
Wouldn't it be better if you first use worldvein since it triggers the gcd and then shadowblades + shadow dance + symbols right before the new gcd starts?
This way you won't loose a gcd of burst
What is the ui?
That macro is huge, thanks!
I miss spamming my burst macro and using DFA. Sad they removed it.
Thanks Brann, great rogue guide!