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Now we’re into week 2 of the Shadowlands I took the opportunity to talk to my guild about some of the specs they’ve enjoyed or been put off by so far. What are your thoughts on the specs you’ve played??
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I'm probably not doing myself a favor by maining a survival hunter for sl but I'm just having a blast so far leveling through sl
I dislike the new Balance changes too
I'm glad I took Venthyr on my shaman. It might not be quite as good for single target for ele as Necrolord but I think that the Venthyr ability serves as a great middle ground for all three specs and most importantly, fits in super well with Enhancement rather than making it feel like shit.
At 9:00 does anyone know what addon he uses to get his raid frames and stuff in the centre of the screen? Would really help to know ^^
Mist monk was easy for me in torghast. Justneedto buff blackout kick when you can. That jumping kyrian spell is so good too!
I'm loving my Uh dk at the moment, super fun to play although I could deal with a few things taken of the gcd XD
ret feels like ASS—– so bad
I haven't played WoW since WotLK launched, but I played Vanilla and BC. After watching several videos over the last few days, I'm honestly thinking about getting a PC to play Shadowlands. My only issue is having to start completely fresh as a new player and the fact that I know absolutely no one that plays. The game looks great though.
I found frost mage disappointing. The nerf to ice lance during prepatch did feel it weakened frost mage's dmg overall. Before that it used to hit like a truck, now it's just mediocre, ok dmg. Hopefully, with ice lance conduit dmg in the later patch, frost mage can compete.
Mistweaver Monk in Torghast: take the corrosive Vivify power thing and just channel and spam, makes the run pretty much brain dead even for bosses
So, i just got back into the game (was off since LK) and im starting to mess with ELVUI, but its really really damn hard if you dont deep dive into it cuz of all the infos you might be missing. Would that DK share his UI? i really like it, its really clean and packed just as i like it! pretty please ? 😀 otherwise, im a bit frustrated about the current covenant system and the fact that you can swap covenant as you wish. it means that you cant optimise as you would like. im a big pvper and all my optimisation is done for pvp but since i just got back into the game i discovered mythic dungeons and apparently it looks like a fun pve experience to me but the thing is, im a pve tank. And the fact that ill never be able to properly push MM+ keys kinda triggers me. ill see how it goes in the future but out of that im really enjoying the whole exp so far, especially the Wpvp in the maw, this place is a whole new stranglethorns lol, love it!
Frost Chopper and the one for 2000% out of invis makes Frost dumbly powerful in Torghast. I dunno if they stack as I only got one of each but if they do I think frost could tip over more than a few bosses quickly.
Annoying af that you kind of get a penalty for choosing the covenant you like. I mean…who tf wants to be a fairy lock? Im so done with borrowed powers🤣
Leveled my shaman first went venthyr almost went night fae I play all 3 specs and it's been fun. My lock is in the process and for my 3rd alt I'm debating between pally mage druid and dk lmao 😂😂
I was gonna main mage and I just put it back on the alt shelf in favor of my priest. A class I havent mained since Cataclysm.
I dont play a spec, I play a class.
playing outlaw rogue, all of the covenant abilities are pretty underwhelming and don't seem to fit well with rotations. necrolord is def the best, but the necrolord leather transmog is hideous imo. i went venthyr more because of the lore/zone and transmog than the abilities, the teleport is kinda useless with grappling hook, and flagellation is just meh.
How is everyone finding arcane mage?
Shadow Priest is beyond insane. The damage output is massive, it scales like nuts with every secondary stat except Versatility (PvP stat anyway…), it has wonderful utility (Body and Soul! Disease removal! Purge! Vampiric Embrace! AoE CC!), and it can backup heal. It is also the only DPS class that brings a magic debuff cleanse in the amazing Mass Dispel.
It feels like the perfect ranged DPS spec: great single-target damage, great AoE damage, amazing utility, off-healing, passive self-healing, good CC options… It really feels like it can do everything.
Feral Druid has been really fun for me. I played a lot of different classes and finally landed on Feral. I like how complex it is. It always keeps me on my toes and feels very engaging. It's an unpopular opinion, but I really like it
I've always mained a frost mage and this is the first time feeling kinda bursty. Got the slick ice lego with the venthyr cov and never feel proc starved. By the time cooldowns fall off the boss is ded. Also been hitting the dungeons hard and generally top dps by a good margin. The only time I remember being beat definitively was by an aff lock.
Rdruid sux. I stopped playing healer in pvp for the first time.
Havoc dh is a huge negative surprise. Out Aoed by almost every spec and out ST'd by every single dps spec, coupled with very low talent diversity. Add on top of this only 2/3 legendries that are even remotely viable, and very content limiting covenant choices. Feels super underwhelming with not enough defensives, utility, and definitely not enough damage to warrant playing unless you love the class. Would not be surprised to see only 1 dh per raid group at best due to chaos brand, and absolutely have not earned a spot for high M+ keys in their current state. Hoping they get some love for mythic raid week tuning.
You said fire mage is looking good and frost got all the focus, but as far as I've seen arcane is ahead of the other specs in every sim. Have your guildies just not looked into it?
Feral and Guardian are… Enough to have me let my sub expire. Which it will on the 11th. They aren't weak, they are just dull.