Surrender to Madness Deep Dive – Shadow Priest – Shadowlands

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21 thoughts on “Surrender to Madness Deep Dive – Shadow Priest – Shadowlands”

  1. I see absolutely NOTHING good in Surrender to Madness when you can use it like that.
    Whats the point in having such a Talent. Might as well just say. "Resets your Voidform CD. And that is boring. Strong? Yes, maybe, but its boring.
    I expect something that actually incorporates SOME kind of trading Sanity for Power.

  2. imo, surrender to madness should be more of: your insanity-generating abilities generate x% more insanity. however, you have a y% chance per insanity generated to deal z damage to yourself. also, should be toggle ability with a CD (maybe 45s?).

  3. off-topic to the video but any chance you can do a newbie's guide to shadow priests for slands? i'd imagine there's a lot of players who are interested in spriests for SL but have no idea how to begin learning

  4. To those saying this talent is useless for raids let's take a step back and think about Ny'alotha;
    Wrathion: Spikes phase
    Skitra: Psyche and images
    Maut: Nothing
    Xanesh: Nothing
    Vexiona: Lots of adds
    Hivemind: Lots of adds
    Shad'har: Nothing
    Drest'agath: Lots of adds
    Il'gynoth: Lots of adds
    Ra-den: Orbs and add
    Carapace: Lots of adds
    N'zoth: Lots of adds

    Patchwerk fights are not the rule, they're the exception. There's more than enough opportunities to use this talent without killing yourself, you just have to know what you're going against; and you should know what you're going against before stepping into a raid.

  5. unless its an absolute garbage talent id always go for passive skill that enhance stuff instead of giving me another button. also its awkward that the void form button still turns into the void bolt button for the duration. it made sense for how often we used to use it during legion and bfa but now that its only every 90s bit weird

  6. I've noticed with surrender that targets that do debuff drops will let you use surrender even if the target lives. The one boss that you have to hook down in one of the new dungeons comes to mind.

  7. You should read that talent first and after criticizing it in comments!!! If you can manage to use this talent properly that will provide you very good potential of damage specially m+, one of the most important mechanic this talent provides you in m+ that you can CAST YOUR SPELLS WILL MOVING!!

  8. Trying to experiment but a big part of running this is that it would allow you to run double active trinkets in mythic plus, or do one big DPS window of one trinket + void eruption and second trinket + surrender. If you use one trinket early you could also fit it all into a lust window but you'd have to backwards calculate how.much your party needs to kill the boss so you don't die to surrender. If you back to back void into surrender it's essentially a lower single target dps 30 second eruption similar to.hungering void that doesn't rely on crits to extend the duration even longer


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