Sylvanas and The Jailer Cutscenes Shadowlands

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Sylvanas and The Jailer Anduin Maw Cutscenes Shadowlands


40 thoughts on “Sylvanas and The Jailer Cutscenes Shadowlands”

  1. Watch as they make the daughter of bolvar as the leader of the alliance after they get rid of anduin, they're on their way to get rid of all male leaders and replace them with female for some lame ass girl power cut scene at the end of the expansion, feminizasim wooooo

  2. I haven't played since TBC (really enjoyed Classic though); but all these cutscenes and scenarios just look really lame to me. I love the lore and characters from WC3 and Classic but I just can't take any game story seriously where you're "the chosen one", especially in MMO where everyone is "the chosen one". It makes the writing feel so forced and full of mary sue and deus ex machina moments that I just don't care to even bother. Is this how it is in retail WoW now?


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