Sylvanas & Anduin Attack Winter Queen – All Cutscenes [9.1 WoW Shadowlands: Chains of Domination]

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Sylvanas & Anduin Attacks Winter Queen. In 9.1, Chains of Domination, Sylvanas Invades Ardenweald in search of the Winter Queen’s Sigil. Bolvar & Jaina fail to stop Anduin from raiding the Heart of the Forest, while Tyrande seems to jump from the Maw portal. Illidan like.

Azshara’s Theme: Link:
Nightsong Music Link:
Endscreen Theme Link 2:

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Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
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Thank you for your continued support~!
-Ricky Zulpel
-Thanasi Halim

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Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).
A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.
World of Warcraft. Chains of Domination. All Cinematics up to 9.1 Recap. Includes Sylvanas vs. Bolvar, Nathanos vs. Tyrande, Anduin vs. Sylvanas, Mourneblade Reborn, Ysera’s Rebirth, Denathrius’ Betrayal & Covenant Campaigns with Kael’thas and Kel’thuzad & Arthas Memories.

World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.

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©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


21 thoughts on “Sylvanas & Anduin Attack Winter Queen – All Cutscenes [9.1 WoW Shadowlands: Chains of Domination]”

  1. **Ultimate Catchup for 9.1 Chains of Domination:
    Winter Queen: Go ensure that the heart is safe. I'll stay here and plant flowers.
    Anduin: Grabby grabby.
    Jaina: No, don't make me be a mage and teleport past this barrier.
    Bolvar: I glow.
    Winter Queen: FUK.

    We also got creative with the music. Music in the cutscene background added by yours truly.

  2. So she had a bunch of people pretend to be her so that they couldnt find her, then once they find her shes like "lul your sigil is in another castle idiots" except they just go get it anyway and she stands there like a fuckin tool. Great job, you literally did nothing but gawk and save a few soulseeds in exchange for potentially dooming all souls in existence. I thought these people were millions of years old and had giga-brains as leaders???


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