This is pretty interesting tbh. Sylvanas seems to want to convince Anduin that what she's doing is the best for everyone. Until now I wouldn't have thought she would have given two shits about that. Maybe they really are going to have her pull a heel-face turn later this expansion.
To be honest i like how this turned out to be . Shylvanas isnt good but not bad . What did we expect from her . She never could control her life and became undead out of her control just to be judged by that in the after life for all eternity . She played the game of death and life enough to understand that no matter how far we goes we will always be inside this unfair game of life and death and of course she will do evrything to change it
Love or hate her, she does have a point especially in the afterlife. Elune is a prime example of this she didn't save the Night Elves from being killed by Sylvanas or saving them (well at least most of them) from going to The Maw and they worship her non-stop.
I knew it! I knew she have a plan. Plan to end wars in live and gain freedom for everyone in death. Tbh I think Banshee Queen is creating now as a some kind of hybrid of two StarCraft heroes: Kerrigan (redemption, slavery from a powerful and deadly enemy, powerful magic) and Alarak (dark character, vengeance for betrayal, cruel leader of dark yet positive faction). For the Dark Lady! Always! 😉
Is she refering to the higher beings akin to titans, first ones, clockmaker etc. being in control, or simply talking about cause and effect of choices other individuals do, affecting her and thus ripping her of "control", free will and want be?
Sylvanas: We never had free will. Not since Activision… Anduin: On that we agree…. uhg. The Jailer: Sigh… yup…yup. But what if we trade one master for another? One who is more customer friendly with vast resources to help Blizzard? If only such an entity was real…. (Chief comes sliding in holding a MS credit card) Master Chief: Hey….. wanna be bought?
Talks about there being no free will until she does, killed her own undead citizens when they were escaping/coming back for her after giving them a chance to meet their alive relatives with Menethil. She may try to act deep and philosophical, but her actions have been shallow… so her true motives will always stay rather questioned.
she’s just showing us that all the war and stuff is bullshit she want to explain everyone stop being so blind because there is no light and dark good and bad there’s something or someone who is the true enemy, “I remember that I was a fool” she was a toy soldier for nothing, nothing is fair in this life we can even chose who we are even when we can chose we all will die ….
Trust me guys the noble and pure souls being tortured and twisted beyond all semblance of who they were by the jailer and his minions totally aren’t evil. Sylvanas totally isn’t a blatant shitheel for joining this man who has stated he will ‘bring death to the world’s soul’. Hell im sure this guy will absolutely stop with Azeroth’s death and definitely will not go on a Burning Crusade Level trout through the universe killing untold billions and tormenting their souls for his army just so Sylvanas can get over her emo faze about being tortured by the Lich King and raised from the dead. By the way while I was suspending my disbelief at this I also forgot how the Helm of Domination and by extension THE LICH KING had to have been acting on this Jailer’s orders, if not some kind of subliminal instruction, considering that apparently it was infused with his power SOMEHOW. Yep nothing to see here, Sylvanas is totally a balanced and well written character a this whole kill everything and make a new afterlife system isn’t totally reaching MCU Thanos ‘kill half of the universe to stop overpopulation when you have near infinite reality altering powers’ level of stupidity.
AO3 was right and they said it!
I don’t want Anduin to be a weapon of Death. 🙅♀️
This is pretty interesting tbh. Sylvanas seems to want to convince Anduin that what she's doing is the best for everyone. Until now I wouldn't have thought she would have given two shits about that. Maybe they really are going to have her pull a heel-face turn later this expansion.
A other good vidoe dude keep it up you rock now she is a super villian
Sylvanas has done nothing wrong!
anyone ship this two like me 😀
So Jailer interested in Anduin's power 🤔
System is flawed and they're making a new one that isn't… where have i ever heard that before?
To be honest i like how this turned out to be . Shylvanas isnt good but not bad . What did we expect from her . She never could control her life and became undead out of her control just to be judged by that in the after life for all eternity . She played the game of death and life enough to understand that no matter how far we goes we will always be inside this unfair game of life and death and of course she will do evrything to change it
Look at leyst uploading as soon as he's available 😆
Also….sylvanas you commie 😆
Sylvanas: Now if you excuse me…(Shows him a strap on and ball gag) I have to go “talk” with Jaina.
Anduin:……………….Could I… watc-
Sylvanas: No.
This one single handed changed my mind about her. Sure, it can all be retconned in a couple years, but right now I'm team Sylvanas
Love or hate her, she does have a point especially in the afterlife. Elune is a prime example of this she didn't save the Night Elves from being killed by Sylvanas or saving them (well at least most of them) from going to The Maw and they worship her non-stop.
The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness
This might be interesting…
" we can't even chose who we LOVE" say it sylvanas
“What makes you believe you’re not just a weapon to achieve his ends?”
Naive to the last, Little Lion. My queen always plans ahead.
In spanish?
@4:38 what now girl…
Why cant skip shadowlands maw scnario?
I knew it! I knew she have a plan. Plan to end wars in live and gain freedom for everyone in death.
Tbh I think Banshee Queen is creating now as a some kind of hybrid of two StarCraft heroes: Kerrigan (redemption, slavery from a powerful and deadly enemy, powerful magic) and Alarak (dark character, vengeance for betrayal, cruel leader of dark yet positive faction).
For the Dark Lady! Always! 😉
Is she refering to the higher beings akin to titans, first ones, clockmaker etc. being in control, or simply talking about cause and effect of choices other individuals do, affecting her and thus ripping her of "control", free will and want be?
"We will find what we seek…in another."
Did she mean Arthas?
Sylvanas: We never had free will. Not since Activision…
Anduin: On that we agree…. uhg.
The Jailer: Sigh… yup…yup. But what if we trade one master for another? One who is more customer friendly with vast resources to help Blizzard? If only such an entity was real….
(Chief comes sliding in holding a MS credit card)
Master Chief: Hey….. wanna be bought?
She almost said it we could not change who we are anymore
What she is saying is very similar to what Amon and the tal'darim was saying in StarCraft about a flawed cycle and stuff.
Talks about there being no free will until she does, killed her own undead citizens when they were escaping/coming back for her after giving them a chance to meet their alive relatives with Menethil.
She may try to act deep and philosophical, but her actions have been shallow… so her true motives will always stay rather questioned.
<3 sylvanas fangs >3
she’s just showing us that all the war and stuff is bullshit she want to explain everyone stop being so blind because there is no light and dark good and bad there’s something or someone who is the true enemy, “I remember that I was a fool” she was a toy soldier for nothing, nothing is fair in this life we can even chose who we are even when we can chose we all will die ….
My God, If they manage to turn anduin into something like a lich king type of villain I'm gonna flip.
Where is Maflurion?
My Queen. I hope Blizzard will do her justice. BfA made her a bad character, shadowlands will make her loved I hope. Just like in the past.
…i have to say, blizzard has gotten so much better with these cinematics
Then what was Teldrassil! How was that justice!
Trust me guys the noble and pure souls being tortured and twisted beyond all semblance of who they were by the jailer and his minions totally aren’t evil. Sylvanas totally isn’t a blatant shitheel for joining this man who has stated he will ‘bring death to the world’s soul’. Hell im sure this guy will absolutely stop with Azeroth’s death and definitely will not go on a Burning Crusade Level trout through the universe killing untold billions and tormenting their souls for his army just so Sylvanas can get over her emo faze about being tortured by the Lich King and raised from the dead.
By the way while I was suspending my disbelief at this I also forgot how the Helm of Domination and by extension THE LICH KING had to have been acting on this Jailer’s orders, if not some kind of subliminal instruction, considering that apparently it was infused with his power SOMEHOW. Yep nothing to see here, Sylvanas is totally a balanced and well written character a this whole kill everything and make a new afterlife system isn’t totally reaching MCU Thanos ‘kill half of the universe to stop overpopulation when you have near infinite reality altering powers’ level of stupidity.
You will pay for that slyvanas beasterd!
When does this play? Its the only one I haven't gotten and I've done pretty much everything