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Wtf did just happened
Zovaal returned her soul to her that is why she has blue eyes. I expected a fight scene though, a little bit disappointed
Sylvanas was before she gets a Banshee a High Elf back in Warcraft 3. High elf have blue eyes. In the moment Sylvanas was killed by the Lichking (Arthas) a part of her soul gets into Frostmourne. This means the Jailor has access to Sylvanas soul part. Now where the soul is reunited with Sylvanas she becomes a high elf again.
Hm. I've been kinda mad at retail for being dull, but now it's starting to get a tad interesting. Hopefully we'll do stuff outside of shadowlands this time, or at least LOSE for once. Not always be the hero and always be winning towards the most dangerous enemy in the game. Hopefully he'll wreak havoc to the extent that it requires an entire new expansion for us to even defeat him.
The jailer punished her by giving her back her soul. Now EVERY wicked deed she ordered or took part in will be her prison. Every injustice a torture and torment. Welcome to a living hell Sylvanas. Enjoy your front row seat to oblivion. Yet no one seems to mention that the Jailer is basicly a massive Drust now. He is the big daddy drust.
Everyone wanted to believe she had some sort of end game, but I always knew she was gonna be played for a sucker. She just unleashed the Lich King on crack, essentially…
Qual'dorei once again!
highelf pog.
remember them crystals are souls…he always had her good part of her soul , just like uthar frostmourn stole a piece and he had it..funny enough he did return the favor she did for him by giving it back; he did not have to do her personality like uthars will be restored.still think she deserves to die but it does make sense .also her arrow would have done nadda, its his power and blizz stated hes stronger than a titan..but she did it out of principal.speaking of the crystals, anduin has one in his sword…..who's soul is it I wonder ?
So those blue crystal is soul…so whose soul was infused within Anduin blade 🤔
Reach the what? Wasn’t the Arbiter the main goal to returning to full power? And is Sovaal going after Elune now? Is that who she spoke of? Is that why Elune spared Sylvanas?
And it seems that he has restored her benevolence becoming a highborne again. But to some extent.
highborne elves have blue eyes…
Awesome vid Zozo! Your reactions are always great to watch! <3
High Elf allied race confirmed!!
i think, Zovaal give back Sylvanas her soul, that blue eyes not because of like Anduin, it means she is a high elf now, not undead.
When the Lichking killed her his sword took her soul too…so he punished her by giving her back her soul.
He looks Drust
So when arthas killed sylvanas, her soul was split in 2. (same with uthers soul/everyone that was killed by frostmourne). Big daddy jailer just kept it and then for same reason was like have it back- probably because he thinks we will kill her. She's a goody now for sure.
Off to the pantheon we go to get sargeras and co to fight jailer. Cosmic disco party incoming