Sylvanas Judgment Cinematics | Shadowlands Campaign Epilogue 9.2

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Sylvanas Judgment Cinematics
Shadowlands Campaign Epilogue 9.2


23 thoughts on “Sylvanas Judgment Cinematics | Shadowlands Campaign Epilogue 9.2”

  1. wow, the facial animations don't look terrible and rigid now.
    doesn't mean the rest of it's good, but hey no more sylvanas and it looks somewhat ok now.

  2. This looks far too much like a staged play. Pelegos wears the newly forged Helm, which The Primus forged (master of domination magic), and Sylvanas used some hardcore manipulative speech to convince Tyrande to damn her the Maw. Don't be surprised if you eventually hear about Tyrande's owl mysteriously vanishing without a trace. Everything is going exactly according to The Primus/Sylvanas/Denathrius' plans.

  3. So, they are saying how EVERY Soul in the maw is deserving of being sent to another afterlife?
    What about the souls of one's like Gul'dan, Theolen Krastinov, Xavius and numerous other pure evil bastards? Are they trying to say nobody is truly evil or beyond redemption?

    If you apply this to real life, do you think people like Fred and Rose West, Jeffrey Dahmer, Harold Shipman, John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy are worthy of redemption, should they get a happy afterlife fir all the suffering they caused?
    This is a messed up, hippie BS message blizzards forcing in here.

  4. Blizzard creative:
    "Hey guys, we all really like sylvanas right? So let's do what we did with illidan with her except less cool! Plot armor jail!"


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