Sylvanas vs Arthas?! HOW?? | World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer Blind Reaction

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hello everyone, its finally time to check out the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer and im definitely confused on some stuff, like I thought arthas was the only lich king but apparently I was wrong lol but this reaction will be a good one, im also surprised sylvanas can keep up with the lich king. The veil between life and death is no more. Discover what lies beyond the world you know in the next chapter of the World of Warcraft saga–Shadowlands, if you guys enjoyed my blind reaction of this, be sure to like, comment and subscribe!

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#gaming #worldofwarcraft #lichking #sylvanas #shadowlands #mmorpg


8 thoughts on “Sylvanas vs Arthas?! HOW?? | World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer Blind Reaction”

  1. That's Bolvar Fordragon. "There must always be a lich king", after Arthas fall, Tirion was about to take upon the burden as the Lich King before Bolvar stopped him and took the burden to himself and sealed and controlled (almost) all off the scourge, including himself.

    You should do a long reaction video to ALL of wow's in-game cinematics, from their first ones to the most recent one. You'll keep in touch to the story that way.

  2. thats bolvar thats why you have to play wrath of the lich king before go to this expansion so its all coming together and arthas use frostmourne instead of hammer and if she fought against arthas with frostmourne in hand she wouldnt stand chance and and remember in warcraft 3 lich king chosen arthas to be his champion even before he was born because arthas its the greatest warrior in lordareon that and the guy that got defeated by sylvanas cant even control undead as much as arthas did he was struggling thats why we could see the diffrence of power between arthas and bolvar

  3. That is Bolvar. Remember the human commander in wrath gate cinematic? Basically he still alive.

    After Arthas died, the Scourge needed a leader or else it would overrun the world.

    Bolvar, who body is literally burn to char coal, volunteer to become new Lich King.

  4. Through lore, bolvar fordragon survived death through the burning "living" flame of red dragons, he took up the crown of lich king after arthas died in the Icecrown Citadel raid, to prevent the scourge from rampaging through the world, out of control. That is the lore here. Bolvar was a paladin, so the hammer makes sense, but idk when he made that shet.

    Bolvar also does not have frostmourne to claim his soul and make him powerful, so he's obviously weaker than the old lich king.

  5. At this point Sylvanus was about as strong as Arthus was during Lich King. The story is a little fuzzy at this point because the writers took a trip through shadowlands to put it nicely. Sylvanus has died multiple times since freeing herself from the control of the Lich King but used Valkyries to bring her back from death. In the lore the first time she died she was terrified of what she saw etc etc however it was never elaborated on what exactly she saw. In a book that was released you find out during her first death she met with Zoval (the main bad guy) and he showed her that the engine of death was essentially unfair. For example, when you die you are sent to the afterlife that is best fitting to you, if there isnt one then an entire afterlife is created FOR you which means you could spend eternity alone in your own hevean but never be able to see your loved ones again despite your beliefs. because of this Sylvanus makes a pact with Zoval to wait for his signal (the "spirit" who told Voljin to make her warchief) and her duty would be to send as many souls to the afterlife as possible (the burning of the world tree as well as the entire battle for azeroth global war).


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