Still fell if she comes back is because he asks she sees him like her little brother ( if you read the books you get it ) so if he asks for help she will come I fell like
This is great. Imagine the afterlife, souls that hate each other have to make up for what they did to each other, one way or the other. And I knew Sylvanas was going to do a Queen of Blades Redemption arc, like many others, before the expansion came out. Saw comments everywhere stating it. While she's not a goddess, she's still undoing all the hurt and bad things, just like Starcrafts QoB.
Really hate this scene 🙄 all the damage that devs did to Anduin and the rest of character and wow lore just to save Sylvanas 🙄 And Anduin listen to her kindnapper and the one who tortured him. It is like sylvavas searching for advice from arthas 🙄🙄🙄
– "It is perilous to confuse what you are made to do with what you choose to do"
I'd like to think that Sylvanas talks about both her and Anduin situations. As much as developers tried to sell that she was "made" to do horrible things, she herself consider it her own choice, her sins for which she must atone, all while convincing Anduin that he, as opposed to her, were actually forced into this.
It gives a cool perspective: Anduin believes that he is just like Sylvanas – succumbed to temptation of great power and choose to do evil because he isn't as good person as he believe, while Sylvanas sees in Anduin something she herself would like to be – an innocent victim of powers beyond your control.
they'll both be back not sure if it'll take an expansion or 2 for them to come back but they'll both be back in some way I both hate and am glad that it turned out that the reason Slyvanas was such a bitch for all these years was because the Jailer held on the the better half of her soul because I'd wanted her dead since Legion ……as for Anduin he just needs some time for some reason I feel like when he DOES come back he's going to have a new class like he'll be the living version of a Death Knight
The shipper in me wants them to end up together or at the very least have some form of relationship maybe turn Sylvie into Anduin's emotional support mommy that everyone hates even though she does try to help out Anduin or something?
Am I the only one that looks at Sylvanas like she really feels for Anduin and I would ship these two together in a proper relationship maybe? I think they'd be brilliant xD
Im upset Genn Greymane didnt get justice for his son ! Sylvanas got too easy off the hook! Sylvanas had a younger brother once, and Anduin reminds her of her littlebrother , she lost!
I know nearly everyone is pissed off that they (Blizzard) has restored the missing half of Sylvanas Windrunner's soul , that they are pissed that she in all appearances is not the villain anymore but honestly I've been hoping for this ever since she was cut down by Arthas and turned into a Banshee. Sylvanas Windrunner has always been prideful and a bit arrogant . So if you don't like where Blizzard is taking her story and do not have the stomach to see it through and see how she really turns out instead of judging prematurely then do not play . BUT if you DO have the stomach to see it through I think eventually we are going to discover that there are two sides to her , the side where she plays the good guy and then I think we will see a selfish more sinister side like we did when she was the villain especially since we all know she has always served her own goals first as the villain . Even though she says she has accepted what she has done and faced "who" she "was" I do not think that is true. That would be too easy . Way too easy . No , there is something deeper going on with her story . So if you have the stomach for it great if you don't then stop playing but either way stop whining and complaining and putting corns on everybody's eyes and ears . Or at least make a specific page where you guys can do that cuz honestly I'm SICK and TIRED of seeing every video having to do with her have people whining like spoiled brats. It grows old.
Slyvannas should have been dragged to Revendreth for a few millennia. She wants redemption? Let her actually fuckin' earn it, instead of just farming in the Maw and acting like she has been reformed. Let her be chained and bound to a sinstone, and have her actually repent instead of wandering around free, allowed to leave whenever she gets bored (which will probably be in the expansion after Dragonflight or some shit)
why does Sylvanas just get away with all of the shit she has done, broken alliances, the betrayal of two kings, and the murder of innocents. She deserves more punishment than what she has received,
Ugh that was the moment i gave up on blizzard and its writing, sylvannas acyions were her own the whole time , this bs that no it wasn’t her is just horrible writing. She should have died in the end not this cliche redemption crap
As an old head of WoW this interaction gives me thoughts that Slyvannas will come back at some point..The warcraft universe does move in years between expansions so we will probably see her soon.
This is the last we've seen of Anduin until The War Within trailer.
That's the tricky thing about the Light, isn't it? It's a "faith" thing. If you believe in what you're doing, it'll happen. Anduin did it, but the Scarlet Crusade also did it. The opposite would also be true. If Anduin doesn't believe in himself, the light goes out.
Really love this arc for Anduin and the symmetry between him and Sylvanas. Actually left me feeling excited for these characters and what their futures hold.
Why should Anduin want to consult Sylvanas of all people? Anyone else would do. She's a genocidal maniac. He had to know if it would be easy for her to give him a very bad advice. To turn him evil for her pleasure alone. Yeah, the story says something about her changing and such. But if Anduin is confused and unsure, why being so sure that there is no darkness left in Sylvanas that she could impose on him?
The Queens Gift Cutscene
The future of the forsaken:
Calia Menethil & Lilian Voss Cutscene
The amount of sexual tension between these two is over 9000 – Am i the only one?
Still fell if she comes back is because he asks she sees him like her little brother ( if you read the books you get it ) so if he asks for help she will come I fell like
Half of mine didn't play D: meh!
Anduin looks destroyed.
What does she mean "must you bear that weight ?"
This is great. Imagine the afterlife, souls that hate each other have to make up for what they did to each other, one way or the other. And I knew Sylvanas was going to do a Queen of Blades Redemption arc, like many others, before the expansion came out. Saw comments everywhere stating it. While she's not a goddess, she's still undoing all the hurt and bad things, just like Starcrafts QoB.
Would been cool if Anduin remained a deathknight with white hair.
I think the music is different in the Live version
This 1:30 line really gets me. This line coupled with Sylvie's remorseful look when facing Anduin is just powerful.
Also as an Anduin x Sylvanas shipper my heart flutters with joy.
Really hate this scene 🙄 all the damage that devs did to Anduin and the rest of character and wow lore just to save Sylvanas 🙄 And Anduin listen to her kindnapper and the one who tortured him. It is like sylvavas searching for advice from arthas 🙄🙄🙄
Anduin Is troubled , probably for the same reason his 'father' was. he likes power just like dad arthus did
– "It is perilous to confuse what you are made to do with what you choose to do"
I'd like to think that Sylvanas talks about both her and Anduin situations. As much as developers tried to sell that she was "made" to do horrible things, she herself consider it her own choice, her sins for which she must atone, all while convincing Anduin that he, as opposed to her, were actually forced into this.
It gives a cool perspective: Anduin believes that he is just like Sylvanas – succumbed to temptation of great power and choose to do evil because he isn't as good person as he believe, while Sylvanas sees in Anduin something she herself would like to be – an innocent victim of powers beyond your control.
they'll both be back not sure if it'll take an expansion or 2 for them to come back but they'll both be back in some way I both hate and am glad that it turned out that the reason Slyvanas was such a bitch for all these years was because the Jailer held on the the better half of her soul because I'd wanted her dead since Legion ……as for Anduin he just needs some time for some reason I feel like when he DOES come back he's going to have a new class like he'll be the living version of a Death Knight
I really enjoy their lowkey aunt / nephew energy. It’s really interesting and compelling
The shipper in me wants them to end up together or at the very least have some form of relationship maybe turn Sylvie into Anduin's emotional support mommy that everyone hates even though she does try to help out Anduin or something?
"Farewell little Lion." I'm not crying just got something in my eye 😢
No kiss or hug? Boo.
Am I the only one that looks at Sylvanas like she really feels for Anduin and I would ship these two together in a proper relationship maybe? I think they'd be brilliant xD
Im upset Genn Greymane didnt get justice for his son ! Sylvanas got too easy off the hook! Sylvanas had a younger brother once, and Anduin reminds her of her littlebrother , she lost!
Sylvanas and Little Lion REFUSING to leave the Maw until together they have freed all others.
I know nearly everyone is pissed off that they (Blizzard) has restored the missing half of Sylvanas Windrunner's soul , that they are pissed that she in all appearances is not the villain anymore but honestly I've been hoping for this ever since she was cut down by Arthas and turned into a Banshee. Sylvanas Windrunner has always been prideful and a bit arrogant . So if you don't like where Blizzard is taking her story and do not have the stomach to see it through and see how she really turns out instead of judging prematurely then do not play . BUT if you DO have the stomach to see it through I think eventually we are going to discover that there are two sides to her , the side where she plays the good guy and then I think we will see a selfish more sinister side like we did when she was the villain especially since we all know she has always served her own goals first as the villain . Even though she says she has accepted what she has done and faced "who" she "was" I do not think that is true. That would be too easy . Way too easy . No , there is something deeper going on with her story . So if you have the stomach for it great if you don't then stop playing but either way stop whining and complaining and putting corns on everybody's eyes and ears . Or at least make a specific page where you guys can do that cuz honestly I'm SICK and TIRED of seeing every video having to do with her have people whining like spoiled brats. It grows old.
So what happens to anduin after this
It's seems so hypocritical to love Anduin and hate Arthas at the same time when they were both mind controlled for murder, torture and war.
will sylvanas' story will come to an end.
will sylvanas be irredeemable in maw after completing her penance as punishment for committing her crimes and atrocities.
we miss arthas😢.
Slyvannas should have been dragged to Revendreth for a few millennia. She wants redemption? Let her actually fuckin' earn it, instead of just farming in the Maw and acting like she has been reformed. Let her be chained and bound to a sinstone, and have her actually repent instead of wandering around free, allowed to leave whenever she gets bored (which will probably be in the expansion after Dragonflight or some shit)
Why don't they get a room?
I like how Little Lion went from being a name of derision for Sylvanas to Anduin, to a term of endearment. It's all in the delivery.
why does Sylvanas just get away with all of the shit she has done, broken alliances, the betrayal of two kings, and the murder of innocents. She deserves more punishment than what she has received,
I think he;s going to show up again at some point and something will happen that he seeks out Sylvanas' help and she returns too.
I hope thus isn't the end of sylvanas. I want more of this "free" sylvanas
Ugh that was the moment i gave up on blizzard and its writing, sylvannas acyions were her own the whole time , this bs that no it wasn’t her is just horrible writing. She should have died in the end not this cliche redemption crap
…Little Lion
for sure sylvanas has some feeling for Anduin if sylvanas could ever get her old form back for sure they will be together
Hm, truth be told, I didn't see this. It did felt nice
As an old head of WoW this interaction gives me thoughts that Slyvannas will come back at some point..The warcraft universe does move in years between expansions so we will probably see her soon.
This is the last we've seen of Anduin until The War Within trailer.
That's the tricky thing about the Light, isn't it? It's a "faith" thing. If you believe in what you're doing, it'll happen. Anduin did it, but the Scarlet Crusade also did it. The opposite would also be true. If Anduin doesn't believe in himself, the light goes out.
Really love this arc for Anduin and the symmetry between him and Sylvanas. Actually left me feeling excited for these characters and what their futures hold.
Tyrande whisperwind just left chat
Hands up for Sylvanas and Anduin getting married.
I thought they were going to have a love child together
Yea. Lets just forget all the crimes she chose with her free will…pathetic.
I didn't see this cinematic in game. When does it play?
Why should Anduin want to consult Sylvanas of all people? Anyone else would do. She's a genocidal maniac. He had to know if it would be easy for her to give him a very bad advice. To turn him evil for her pleasure alone.
Yeah, the story says something about her changing and such. But if Anduin is confused and unsure, why being so sure that there is no darkness left in Sylvanas that she could impose on him?
Man I miss her
I’m soo behind on wow lore/expansions