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Sylvanas Windrunner Normal and Sylvanas Windrunner Heroic guide! Sylvanas Windrunner is a raid boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid of Shadowlands. Raid testing of Sylvanas had some issues and my own testing group only saw Phase 1 in person (and I’m too shy to ask anyone for footage yikes) get ready for an original animated motion picture of the really important points.
Hazel is partnered with BLD by NZXT!
This Sylvanas Windrunner boss guide will show you the Sylvanas Windrunner abilities that you’ll see in the Normal, Heroic and LFR versions of the Sylvanas Windrunner fight. Mythic Sylvanas Windrunner has additional mechanics not shown in this Normal and Heroic Sylvanas Windrunner guide. Footage of Sylvanas Windrunner for this boss guide is from PTR raid testing and some mechanics may look different or change when the Sanctum of Domination raid releases on live servers starting July 6th.
Sylvanas has a great deal of mechanics, and most of them are either very self explanatory or don’t require much out of the ordinary to manage. In Phase One, her tank needs to run away with Wailing Arrow to explode away from the group. Use mitigation or a minor cooldown to manage Ranger’s Heartseeeker on the tank. Players with Barbed Arrow bleeds want to be near but not on Domination Arrows to get chained and reset their bleeds, and the arrows need to be cleared quickly. Avoid everything on the ground in this phase and use cooldowns if needed to survive the intermission.
Phase Two involves chasing Sylvanas along chains while dealing with piles of adds. Interrupt and kill the adds and the orbs they summon, dispelling Crushing Dread only when it starts to really hurt. Stay loosely spread and be prepared to spread and run out of Banshee Scream and Veil of Darkness. Get to Sylvanas in time to interrupt her Ruin cast.
Phase Three has us battling Sylvanas on four platforms in the Crucible of Oribos. You can jump between them by running off an edge. Anduin is hanging out in the middle, don’t worry about him. The Bane DoT drops a puddle when it’s dispelled, and touching a puddle picks it back up onto you as a DoT. Dispel those off players on the edges and on platforms that are about to be Razed, and run off a platform before the Raze cast completes. On Heroic, make sure every Bane debuff is safely on the floor before the end of the Banshee’s Fury cast.
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Melee dps are going to have a hard time, I think
A race of dps on phase 3 looks cool for me
i love shadowlands so far never had so much fun in wow since 7.3
This fight looks buck wild and I love it
Raze and Bane?
Raisin Bran.
That is phase 3’s new name.
Unfortunately, Sylvanas will never die.
Just in time for us reset tomorrow if your raiding good luck everyone
Why is there no music in the background during your videos?
The drawings were spot on thank you for that! 🙂
this is the best we got..right? a fake raid video coming out the last day of my ptr festivities, festivity, its a festival of a sort..beware!!
Thanks for the guides Hazel! Were you a bit under the weather for this one, though? You sound different.
Its always drawing lmao i wish that helped me
Hazel guides ftw move over fat boss tv
Anyone know the bow drop %? Is it 100%?
I'm telling you as a warcraft player an business man for forty yrs.
I have watched you grow.
But you know your getting burned out an overwhelmed.
Tween guild, raid strats, instance strats, pet strats, etc etc.
Not counting balancing home life…
You have the man power.
Pick the smartest passionate types.
Give them agenda goals.
Let them assist you far more .
You gave to us, time for us to help you…
Delegation an enjoy your long desired chill time.
Your growing perfect, just tweak now…
Best of luck an thanks for help.
Whuumper , Stormrage here…
DO A KICKFLIP! Girl, you skate?
Thank you for not using visual spoilers after phase two. That is incredibly awesome and kind of you.
XIV when?
when does the fight end at 50%?
Sometimes I wonder if it would be fun to pick WoW back up and get back into raid healing.
And then I watch guides on the newest content and stop wanting to hurt myself.
are you under NDA to not show the rest of the fight or something?
What a terrible guide 😂
Amazing guides!