Yeah its true but it makes no Fun…. in the War Within Healers and Tanks are Always in Fight…. Healers need to be slower to Heal everyone but the Tanks always Rush into it like nothing…. thats soo annoying
Tank here…Absolutely nothing wrong will pulling mostly everything, but a little communication and coordination in pugs can make the difference between a wipe or not. If you're just W key through pug dungeons without establishing threat, kicking / stoping key mechanics you're likely being hard carried. As a Tank you need to protect your group.
I'd probably start to panic if I were tasting sounds and Nicholas Cage slowly looked at me like this, until, I remembered it's Nick Cage!!! I love you Mr. Cage!!!
Tanks are rushing and forget that heal need to keep everyone alive 😂😂
That's why I don't play with randoms as healer…
Can confirm it, as a Tank 😂 pulling the hole Dungeon
Lol accurate
More like road runner and a tortoise
Yeah its true but it makes no Fun…. in the War Within Healers and Tanks are Always in Fight…. Healers need to be slower to Heal everyone but the Tanks always Rush into it like nothing…. thats soo annoying
Tank here…Absolutely nothing wrong will pulling mostly everything, but a little communication and coordination in pugs can make the difference between a wipe or not. If you're just W key through pug dungeons without establishing threat, kicking / stoping key mechanics you're likely being hard carried. As a Tank you need to protect your group.
Exactly the facial expressions 😂
As an old tanks I dont get this
What`s this about? We start to say heroic dng are hard now? Ouh boy Mythic season will be a nightmare for you lot.
My Main as DD and my Tank twink don` have any problems with wall to wall clearing. I also have to find a healer which has problems with it. S
Pull -> 3-4 aoe cc`s – next lul
God, this is so true… I play tank and healer, and the tanks forget the DPS need to stay alive too. 😂
I'd probably start to panic if I were tasting sounds and Nicholas Cage slowly looked at me like this, until, I remembered it's Nick Cage!!! I love you Mr. Cage!!!
-Pablo, probably
tank skips killing lieutenants and goes straight to the boss
Healer: ah shit here we go again
All my friends don't play anymore… I create healers just to run through sht and then delete them…..
You asked for this healers! monkey paw finger curls inward
Me and my homie rn 😂
I don’t understand why tanks be going so fast in WW dungeons. First time retail player here, I be dying non stop and never get a rez 👹
Healer: oh sheet😂
Yes yes…we all know that healers are the only ones still hanging onto their sanity. Tanks are and always have been the truly insane role. 😂😂😂
My loading screen is a bit slow by the time i load in they are already infront of the first boss with 50mobs on them
even GRONK know you have to wait for healer
As a tank, I will pull as much as I physically can.
As a healer, I will heal myself first, tank second, and dps last
As a dps, I kill the pack before I die. Valhalla awaits.
For some reason, its usually a DH tank with shit ass gear, then blames the healer when it wipes
To be honest, and as a healer main, this expasion made heroic dgs a little too easy 🫠 and I'm not even geared
And forget the later priest gear has less spirit and more healing points
Not gonna lie, they do rush through but man there’s some good heals out there