Testing NEW 9.1 PvP Talents w/ Partywaffles in 2s!! – 9.1 Shadowlands Mistweaver Monk PvP

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

#mistweaver #monk #mysticall

Watch me live! https://www.twitch.tv/mystpvp

Queued some 2v2 games with @partywafflesx and we did pretty well!! First games were rough, I was trying to adjust to the changes and new talents. Overall, Mistweaver are going to be in an okay spot. If you have ANY questions, please let me know!!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mysticalthemonk
Discord: https://discord.gg/Ced5umk
Macros: https://pastebin.com/SQgWH2Z9
Scripts: https://pastebin.com/xSzQg1d0
Weakauras: https://wago.io/p/mysticall
Keybinds: https://pastebin.com/RMiRuQS4
Addons/UI: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpjhbjy8z92k5jd/AAB7fbfFTf571uk-IsOufRmOa?dl=0

Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:30 Game 1 vs Rogue/Priest
02:01 Game 2 vs Rogue/Mage
02:47 Game 3 vs Warrior/Rsham
04:10 Game 4 vs Rogue/Priest
05:26 Game 5 vs Dk/Rshaman
06:55 Game 6 vs Mage/Priest
08:40 Outro


11 thoughts on “Testing NEW 9.1 PvP Talents w/ Partywaffles in 2s!! – 9.1 Shadowlands Mistweaver Monk PvP”

  1. I rerolled monk this patch with all of the hype around the MW changes – question, please:

    Do you think the hype is deserved? Are MW likely to be "S tier" or not? I'm unsure. Ps. I am a holy priest/r sham main usually.

  2. i quit mistweaver after this 9.1 patch. we lost tons of passive healing from losing renewing mist pvp talent as well as the super short port pvp talent. New pvp talents are garbage in high rated games. dematerialize is horrible as well with only 30% dmg red and reducing every 1 sec.. overall they nerfed mistweaver while giving every dps class mortal wounds. also nerfing refreshing breeze so vivify does less healing. not to mention a slight nerf to chrysalis pvp talent. RIP i will miss playing mistweaver

  3. Can you do a revamp of PVE rotation in m+ with the new monk buffs? I feel it works better now but am unsure to get most possible out of it. Love your work!🙌

  4. Nice man. Try to fistweave with Thunder Focus , transendenz and peaceweaver. Conduits with Revival and gusts… For me its working. I was facing Last day more MW than the entire season.. Love Ur stuff. Keep it rollin 💪👍


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