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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Just waitin for this thing to drop!
This is a great overview. Thanks!
Great content! Short and helpful, really apreciate this!!! 🙂 Thanks!!!
2 hours! Soon….. soon…..
how are you logged into the pre patch??
2 hours away 🤦🏿♂️
Ofc you can change your gender, its 2020, people change genders like pants.
Squish that stat!
Cant wait for all my Undead babies to not have 'same-face-syndrome' anymore! Power to the Forsaken! <3
Is the AoTc achievement or mounts going away?
I am really happy to hear that allied races for all!!! It was frustrating to dig all those achievements and reputations and ridicules!
the god damned pre-patch will come from 14th of October at 7 am till 5 pm for the EU, the US is lucky to have it early 🙁
Wow these r actually great ideas. Like guide system. Playing thru previous. I kinda wanna play
I have NO Idea how people are getting to 50 in 12 hours in wod. I was following the path on the PTR and I got NOWHERE NEAR that. I was in the 26 hours mark at 50. I was hustling too. I honestly think those times are done by speed levelers with extreme pathing plans and such.
5:00 It'll knock you up, better watch out ladies!
you really need to stop saying "first of all"
Are they making us pay gold at the Barber to change these things or does each character get a one time free change ?
Can't wait till the end of the expansion when all stats end up as high as they were in bfa
I can’t believe how little there is to do on prep patch.
Can anyone confirm that we can no longer run raid shared lockouts. I been running my 12 toons through icc by sharing lockouts and now i cant
You said pvp enchants are account wide. Do you mean if I have a versatility enchant on my DK’s rings, my warrior will also have the enchant on his rings?
Also, pvp medallions from pvp vendor; I’m guessing you mean from previous expansions, not BFA?
I dont get pre-patch.. is it just for testing out new characters/abilites to maybe change your main or will you be able to level up your main to 60 in pre-patch? Will pre-patch be any fun for us who dont care about alts i mean? 🙂
Don't forget on pre patch for frost dks, yall can experience what it like to get fucked by a booty warrior. It doesn't feel good, that I can tell ya'll.
i kinda feel like giving every single allied race is kinda meh because i have personally farmed all the rep for them and now everyone just gets them for free and only had to do a quest for them i personally feel like there should be something that at least shows that some of us got them before everyone got them i understand that they don´t want people to do old content for rep to play a race but it isn´t that hard to farm the rep for them even now you just have to do a little bit of random stuff depends on which one you trying to get some of them are very easy to get like high mountain i got them almost when i finished the story line back in legion (my own opinion you´re free to have your own)
Can anyone explain to me how to get back to vanilla stuff? I just started a week ago, was farming stratholme for the mount and now all my dungeons are gone except 2 bfa ones, have never done bfa and don’t know how to start it
Well, I am going to quit since blizzard said fuck you to my old AMD cpu so every character is pure black void with a face mask with no eyes.
the new sims expansion looks sicccc dawg
Lol, I get to flex on people with my undead hunter because you all know, I can tame “true” undead pets
Top change number 1: you have no toons, they all got deleted. Rip 16 years of playing 1 game
Can u play with controller yet?
I was playing the Pre Patch earlier gave my main (Night Elf) the best look