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The Dice Tower takes a look at World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King!
Intro 0:00
Overview 1:09
Final Thoughts 8:52
Scores 22:16
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I think as the Geocaching tokens travel about, more scenarios and characters will be released for the game? That could greatly address the replayability factor some of the guys brought up.
I can't quite put my finger on whats wrong, but I don't like the look of this game (though I'm sure it's fun)… the map itself looks good but the iconography and cards look a little plain to me and the color palette seems a bit too bubblegummy.
I love Pandemic, and absolutely in love with this style and mechanisms of this pandemic
Wrath of the Lich King was the second expansion to World of Warcraft. You know… just… FYI. 🙂 I played a lot of WotLK during the era! The lore and story lend themselves well to this Pandemic reimplementation. Looking forward to trying it out.
After watching them live play this I fell in love with it and pre-ordered it immediately. However I didn't get the vibe that the guys were having fun. Was very surprised at the gushing reviews, especially from Zee. Very happy to hear it!
Looks like Horrified. Not strategic enough but good for new gamers.
I love Warcraft, but im really disappointed by the aesthetics of this. I played Warcraft 3 to death and one of the things I loved about it was the bright vibrant colours in the art of the units – like the headhunters and the night elves etc. this colour palette is grey and greyish purple.
I could very much see fanmade expansions being made, with things like miniatures from WoW the board game for example.
The theme really isn't for me, but I'm very happy that the WoW fans got a solid and fun implementation of the pandemic mechanics.
Now here's hoping that they paste this on some more properties. My personal recommendation: Adventure Time. Has a big fandom, looks colourful and fun so will even attract people outside of that fandom, and is suitable to play with kids.
I am honestly surprised none of you guys played World of Warcraft back in the day! Lol I was excited to see this as the theme, because we no longer play WoW but it holds a sweet spot for us. Thanks for the reviews.
What's the promo character that Tom mentioned? Is that available to the public?
The only game of pandemic I ever played was lost in first 10 minutes. This looks more fun to me. The one problem I have is with Activision/Blizzard. The disgusting allegations coming out against them is enough to make me not support them. Apart from getting paid a royalty from the theme how much support would this be giving them? Would Z-man games make most of the profit? I'd like to support them.
Job’s done! Hahaha! Nice, Roy!
StarCraft Legacy a pandemic system game
Agreed with the picture of the mini being useful. One of the first things I do with any game that has minis is identify what each mini is and write who / what it is on the bottom of the base so it's easier for others. Also when I paint them I stick to whatever scheme is depicted on character cards to make it even easier to identify them.
Just got it for 50% off on Blizzard Gear Store. Free shipping if you sign up for an account and use the emailed link. Not sure how long deal will last. Excited to give it a try for that price.
I'm surprised. I was not expecting this to be rated so highly by the whole group. Time will tell.
I'm very excited to get a copy of this.
Roy, perfect quote for the end of the video!
Whoa! what a luxury board game. Another awesome snow theme.
The real question here is Small World of Warcraft or Wrath of the Lick King if you can only pick one WoW themed game to have?
Who's the promo character and where can I get it????
Zug, zug…..
I wasn’t impressed by this game. I love Reign of Cthulhu and Fall of Rome. I was hoping this was going to make it into my collection but it fell flat for me.
WoW Pandemic, WoW Smallworld….looking forward to WoW Catan, WoW Istanbul (Ogrimar), WoW Ticket to Ride (Stormwind tram), WoW Castles of Burgundy (Castles of Azeroth)…so many lazy options, skys the limit Blizzard!
Tom talked about he had a promo for this game, where would you get said promo?
I never played World of Warcraft but I did play the Warcraft real time strategy games a LOT so the nostalgia for that (especially Warcraft 3 it seems) makes me curious about this game, always wanted to try a game in this board game series as well with a (for me) compelling theme (Cthulhu and Rome is also something I would consider).
This might be for me, I'll watch the playthrough of it someday this week and think about it a bit.
For a new player would this game or the Talisman games be easier to get into?
Makes me wish pandemic fall of Rome had minis. Would've made the theme stronger.
I'd put it under Iberia rome and legacy, but above cthulu.
I'm curious who the promo character was
I finally got my hands on a copy! Hopefully I can learn how to play soon so I can check it out myself.
Do you know if Argent Cryusade can be played during questing and if so can all 5 damage count as quest movements.
Only a 1 point spread and an average score between the 4 of you at 8.1.
Scourge Rises…reminds me of Forbidden Island. I think I’m really going to like this game, and, hopefully pick it up quickly
Got the game a few weeks ago, and I do agree with the 8.5 score, it's a very solid pandemic-style game. But I will address two points:
1 – Replayability: the game does lack some of it because you always know your end-goal from the start; you might get different quests, different characters, but in the end you will be going to Icecrown to face Lich King, there is no other type of victory. HOWEVER, after more than 10 games of this at Heroic difficulty, the cards that you get might deeply impact the game, making two games with exactly same characters and quests feel completely different. So while it's not a game to play every single day, I do think it's one that has enough in it for several playthroughs with buddies, and for a strong replayability if you really love the theme.
2 – Strategy: the game might seem simple but at Heroic difficulty it does slap you hard if you do not plan things. While it might seem "just go there for quest and kill monsters on the way", at higher difficulty it might not be in your best interest to go straight for a quest zone, because you need to clean up some monsters before, or risk getting a bad draw that will put the board under strain. It is more straightforward than most Pandemic-style games, but if no thought is made you will lose hard.
I only got into Pandemic-system games with Reign of Cthulhu, with this I'm very curious to see what future IPs they pick up.
I have not played WoW.
I only played base pandemic, it's not one of my top games, but i did enjoy it.
But I played a lot of warcraft 1, 2 and 3, Dota2 , Hearthstone. I enjoyed the movie as well.
Now after seeing this review with scores that high, this will probably go into my maybe/got to have, just to see Thrall/Jaina have that epic battle with Arthas.
Frostmourne hungers!
I am usually not a coop fan and play more complex games, but as a wow fan I will get this one as my guilty pleasure board game.
I had no idea Mike knew how to speak Murloc.
26:00 Ah, Roy the Warcraft III Peasant. Awesome!
Wrath of the Lich King is a fun game, but we (like Mike) prefer Reign of Cthulhu.
yeah i got it this week to join my solo game collection
it's solid like you say… pandemic games aren't ever really on the top of my list but they're fun enough for me to play, it'll be a game that i pull out every other month and do a couple of runs
then put it back again
it's not a game that would ever become a main go to all the time i think
The possibilities to use the WoW franchise are endless and they decided to use the pandemic system …
You've got a whole generation of previous computer gamers who now play board games instead and I betcha the backers for a kickstarter for a serious dungeon crawler with WoW theme would blow up to proportions never seen before…
I feel like this is such a wasted opportunity.
I can understand why they picked WotLK for this game but would have loved it much better if they had made a way to fit The Burning Crusade in this instead.
Job's done 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for that!
Bought this game just to paint the miniatures. Glad to see that it's actually fun.
There are some white dots on the board, what are they used for?