The 45+ NEW MOUNTS Coming In Patch 9.1 | WoW Shadowlands

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Patch 9.1 introduces over 45 new mounts to collect, here’s what we know so far!
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Timestamps –
00:00 – Intro
00:26 – Mythic Raid Mount
00:56 – Shardhide Mounts
02:07 – Razorwing mounts
03:08 – New unicorn
03:25 – Harvester dredwing
03:45 – Ghost maw horse mounts
04:55 – Giant hand mounts
06:17 – Ardenweald covenant mounts
07:45 – Devourer mauler
08:08 – Kyrian Covenant mounts
09:28 – Necrolord covenant mounts
10:49 – Venthyr covenant mounts
11:58 – megadungeon disc mounts
13:14 – New maw event mounts
14:00 – Pvp mounts


37 thoughts on “The 45+ NEW MOUNTS Coming In Patch 9.1 | WoW Shadowlands”

  1. They’re pretty lazy to do these reskins and call them different mounts. I’m hoping this isn’t the big content we get.
    Edit: I truly wish that they would give us regular pvp gear with resilience like it used to be.

  2. Mounts after mounts yet they haven't given us any achievment for having over 400 mounts :I I'm currently sitting on 612 thanks to the massive amount of shadowlands mounts

  3. It's quite sad that most of these 45+ new mounts are just recolours of base version. So, in reality, it's not 45+ new mounts, it's more like "more or less" 15 new mounts + recolours. That's just sad and pathetic, Blizzard, but it reflects the state of the game perfectly.

  4. 10:50 This is a super cool mount!
    Id love it even more if the upper horns were much longer..
    That would be nice to see you ride this mount holding on his horns 🙂
    Maybe some red bloodish glow in his fist or side arms just giving my opinion tho xd


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