The 8 Most BROKEN Shadowlands Abilities & How To Counter Them | 9.0 PvP Guide

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0:00 – Intro
1:35 – The Hunt
3:23 – Elemental Shaman Cooldown Stacking
5:46 – Enhancement Shaman Cooldown Stacking
8:29 – Storm, Earth, and Fire
11:03 – Spear Of Bastion
13:26 – Mindgames
15:31 – Incarnation And Convoke The Spirits
17:44 – Ret Paladin Cooldown Stacking
19:59 – Combustion

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26 thoughts on “The 8 Most BROKEN Shadowlands Abilities & How To Counter Them | 9.0 PvP Guide”

  1. Just reduce combustion damage PLEASE leave critical damage alone. Crit/critical damage is the most fun part of pvp. Remember when resilience used to decrese criritcal chance/damage? PLEASE not again.

  2. Resonating Arrow is not on this list???

    Hunters can kill people behind walls. Just merc them behind a brick wall entirely out of line of sight.

    And that's not on this list!?

    It even gives them +30% crit chance while doing it…

    And even if you LEAVE the effect area it still clings to you for 4 seconds.


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