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0:00 – Intro
1:35 – The Hunt
3:23 – Elemental Shaman Cooldown Stacking
5:46 – Enhancement Shaman Cooldown Stacking
8:29 – Storm, Earth, and Fire
11:03 – Spear Of Bastion
13:26 – Mindgames
15:31 – Incarnation And Convoke The Spirits
17:44 – Ret Paladin Cooldown Stacking
19:59 – Combustion
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Disarming monks makes em unable to use their fists of fury but don't disarm them from the front while they're casting it due to parry
I play warrior – priest 2v2. I find almost impossible to counter moonkin convoke
try to remain above 30% hp XD thats where i stopd the vid. omg u guys r so trash lol just cc the dh
Fire mage is like ret with range and infinite cc. And yet mage players say they're a bad class right now
I'm pretty sure all of that broken abilities will gone if they nerf sub rogue.
Great guide ~ ZUG ZUG /train
Pretty sure door of shadows doesn't work to escape from spear of bastion?
Convoke is OP af
Mages are the hardest Class to Play and that's why they Got the Most OP skill
But kids be like on forums ' PLIZ NERF MM" what a bunch of retard playing this game
Why interrupt convoke when you're already did within the 1sec of the cast.
It would be so useful and helpful to new players it would be your guises most watched video! A video on the break down of all the classes!
"They often combine convoke with 2or MORE instant starsurges, often crit 8k+" #_# that 8k more like 13-15k basicly kills you in 2 GCDs just with instants right after coming out stealth 😀
Buff Survival Hunter!
Fix pet damage and survivability.
INC Slower meta
Just reduce combustion damage PLEASE leave critical damage alone. Crit/critical damage is the most fun part of pvp. Remember when resilience used to decrese criritcal chance/damage? PLEASE not again.
I have found kiting or trying to reset during mindgames to be effective, even against aff disc, and have found damaging through the mind games to be worthwhile.
Funny that ret cd stacking is considered op af during wings but the only thing dying on screen is Vanguards lul
The WW Monk guide is wrong in one point: Disarm prevents Monks from using FISTS of Fury for some reason. So if you use it pre-emptively, they cannot uses FoF for 6 Seconds.
Resonating Arrow is not on this list???
Hunters can kill people behind walls. Just merc them behind a brick wall entirely out of line of sight.
And that's not on this list!?
It even gives them +30% crit chance while doing it…
And even if you LEAVE the effect area it still clings to you for 4 seconds.
Doesn't mindgames only affect target healing? Your partner can heal you as normal but if you self heal you take damage from it
The mage explanation could be shortened to "reroll to mage" lololololol
Damage mitigating cooldowns are almost cosmetic right now….
combust is the most broken
The whole game in pvp is broken, blizzard the idiots are to dumb for balance.
Calling combust the most broken when paladins can do litteraly the same damage in less time and have 80 % of the healing of a disc priest is rich