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All you need to know, nothing you don’t, and a bunch of fun. Watch today’s video to be up to speed, without having to get your mind turned to mush by the silly times that were Shadowlands.
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Let Audible help you discover new ways to laugh, be inspired, or be entertained. New members can try it free for 30 days. Visit or text bellular to 500-500. Sponsored by Audible.
I said this when it happened and I will say it again: The new arbiter is soulbound with US, and the expansion before SL we accepted N'zoth's gift, where removing it was optional. N'zoth sees all!
I couldn't finish this video, it was making me want to unsub.
I actually really like dragonflight. What are everyone's thoughts on this expansion?
I crossed something of an event horizon with Shadowlands. It was so awful that the content around how awful it is became so high value to me, it displaced the actual game. I hadn't had as much fun in wow as I had watching hours of wowtubers suffering through shadowlands. I'm low-key disappointed Dragonflight isn't a complete disaster.
so far.
Helya did show up again in the Maw. I don't really remember who did it but she was killed or imprisoned or something else noncommittal because Blizzard didn't know what to do with her.
why is wrathion dragon model so much smaller than I remember? Almost to a comical degree. Was the bfa wrathion model just like a projection or something?
After not really playing properly since BfA and coming back for Dragonflight I've recently had the misfortune of levelling an alt though the beginning of Shadlowands. Absolutely fucking awful. Some of the worst WoW content I've ever played through.
0:00 nothing
Shadowlands never happened, it was mass delirium.
Bellular just coined the term "Turbo Hell". I LOVE IT!
I just wish they'd consolidate lore. like, how are Void and Death linked? how are Void and Fel linked? Why can warlocks summon voidwalkers? why was alternate Draenor Nur'Zhul summoning void creatures? what was the deal with Argus? he was a world soul, like Azeroth, but also a Titan, but also infused with Death. Why can the old gods grant the curse of flesh, when that creates life, which fuels Death. How are Anima and Fel connected, since Fel is fueled by life, but so are the magics of death, but the magics of death aren't Fel.
I wanna pretend that Shadowlands was just Nzoth screwing with us.
Anduin and Sylvanas will be doing some proverbial searching of each other's soul's i wager!!
So when is horde getting Eredar and ally get a unique race since horse got vulpera? (Dumb question aside great video)
Hard to believe Shadowlands and Dragonflight were made by the same team. I've enjoyed more in DF so far than the entirety of Shadowlands.
Feels like they had a bunch of potential story threads that they completely abandoned when they realised that it wasn't going to work & they pivoted to DF. Hence the potential missing content from Shadowlands and a load of characters doing absolutely nothing
I will not tolerate the absolute dunking on Baine here! That spot on the floor line had me rolling 🤣
Sargeras is still out there too most likely
Wtf is wrong with everyone, why would Elune know the souls were going into the Maw when the eternal I've didn't know until we told them. She is a goddess of life how would she know the the gods of death didn't
The tone of this video is hilarious, love it 😂
I’m gonna keep saying this until people remember it: Shadowlands didn’t happen how we think it did. We had just killed an old god by going into the realm of madness itself. All the weird details from Shadowlands can be assumed to be a fever dream as we recovered from exposure to the realm of an old god. Only the major plot points that have been referenced in DF are real, and even then I expect the details to change as the writing team wants and needs to help SL be quickly forgotten.
So what can we say with confidence actually happened during the Shadowlands story?
Bolvar lost his hat that had some cool powers but also maybe made you evil.
Ysera maybe possibly could come back. Probably with a cost. Wait and see on this one.
Anduin needs therapy, and is taking a break from leading the Alliance while he has some self care time. Absolutely nothing will go wrong because of this.
Everything else, and I mean everything else, should be considered a distorted view if not pure fever dream until its referenced again.
If you have proceeded far enough in the story of dragonflight you already know about ysera.
Let's not forget how they did our boys Arthas and Garrosh dirty by eradicating the last traces of their very souls… oh wait, I REALLY want to forget that happened.
Man, when Bellular recaps Shadowlands in this way, it sounds so profoundly absurd, but it's all so bang-on lmao.
Shadowlands was so bad that people think dragonflight is actually good gaming
They could just pull a Nzoth to
SL: it’s his illusion after he tricked us thinking defeating him. Merry Christmas!
People acting like it isn't the same team writing this. But sure, let me repeat the same line that I did for 15 years before quitting. "It's gonna be better this expansion, it has to be." WoW always had the gameplay advantage to all other MMO's due to it's smoothness and action, but god the story and story decisions sucked. Fair play, Dragonflight seems to be really going in the right direction, but . . patch content will really give the direction what they will go for.
The most I hate emerald dream reton. After emerald nightmare raid, we saw Ysera and Ursoc chilling in emerald dream. However, the ardenweald ruin the lore we had just two expansions ago. plus it weakens the Life force in cosmos scale because now apparently evil forces can attack life spirits from two sides (in the life and death zone)
"Daddy Denathrius" !?!?
You just went and made it weird.
Speaking of War of the Ancients, where is Korialstrasz in Dragonflight? That's weird he doesn't show up, considering he's the other non-aspect dragon with lots of screen time alongside Kalecgos and Chromie.
“Baine kept his part of the floor warm the entire expansion”
Baine has been learning from Dragoons in FF14 it seems
I hold a genuine hatred for shadowlands. Turned all of the lore that I loved so much in WoW upside down. Huge bummer.
Why would you bring up the Shadowlands Sh*tshow again? You were doing so well. This is like the drunk uncle no one wants to sit next to at Christmas dinner. Yes, Afrasiabi sent us all to hell. It was awful. We're all just trying to recover from the trauma, so stop triggering us, ya dafter!
0:08 From which cinematic is this clip?
"We finally learned that the Titans weren't the creators of everything"
They never fucking were…
Come now… we are all just trying to have a nice holiday here and you put this painful reminder on our feed.
The less said about Shadowlands, even the negative, the better. It deserves to be forgotten in every manner.
I’d just as soon forget shadowlands and aside from establishing a new NE homeland, any story content related to it.
Hey, respect for Baine, he nobly sacrificed his butt to the cold floor for the whole expansion so that his people would not have to suffer being part of shadowlands' story. Anyway where do all these doomsday cultists keep coming from? As far as I can tell, we've received absolutely no explanation yet for… well, the primalists, in general. The dragons, sure, but the humanoid followers? That's weird?
Can you show me on this doll where the Jailer hurt you?
Yes! I totally called the Andanas ship years ago.
I appreciate the editing. Some goofy edits are nice sometimes.
Shadowlands killed WOW fo me.
Not just because of the bad storry, but now I know that everyone that gets killed goes there and we can probably bring him/her back.
That means killing a enemy or the death of an allie means nothing in the long term.
hey guys can anyone tell me where that endcut music is from… it sounds so familiar
Poor Jailer. I think he could have been salvaged as a character, if they'd done more to build him up, cut some of the more extreme elements (orchestrating both the Pantheon's fall and the Legion's rise and fall), and eased us into the cosmic stuff more. We should have been seeing snippets of him since Legion, with a cutscene of Odyn trading his eye to him, not just read about some non-specific entity in a lore document.
All that I know is I won't be playing WoW again until they either drop paid expansions or add the sub to gamepass when the deal inevitably goes through.
Daddy Nathers 😳
so, do you think an alliance civil war would be a good way to end dragonflight? Have Turalyon refuse to give up his power, a seige of Stormwind, against forces of the light, with the help of the Black Dragonflight. And if people are gonna ship anyone, it needs to be Anduin and Taelia Fordragon, making SW ally with ice Crown……..
@BellularGaming OK, I have a BIG question: The Vow Eternal by Christie Golden. What? Where? How do I get my hands on it (Because Amazon doesn't have it). I've been wondering why there wasn't a book between the expansions (and they had an "untitled" up on Amazon that I've had on order since it appeared). So, let me know what the heck and how to get it. Thanks Bellular, love the channel.
4:34 timestamp for the like! 🙂