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The feeling when you get a professor plum in Hardcore World of Warcraft Classic Era.
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never found a epic myselfe except from raids in like 15 years playing classic
These worth like 20g lel
I'm so glad they got rid of those poorly designed items in later expansions. Plate item with defense giving spirit…
This was better in vanilla👌🏻
classic? i dont play this shiet, i play vanilla and yes that feeling there is nice =D
what you mean best feeling!? you can't use it
i found a epic good ring in sunken temple but out, 14 stamina and a active 1000 amor
I remember getting a Helm of Narv in vanilla. Took me like a month to sell that pile of crap.
Bro searing gorge is really the best spot I got edgemasters there lol
sells for like 30g lol!
shame its worth 20g cuz of bots 🙂
It's a BOE. Instant need.
wow 80g
Can i get a hayyyyaaaah!
Man classic was such a rush when it first came out, I remember freaking the fuck out when I was grinding solo and got the Edgemasters Handgaurds
Even tho they’ve up’s the drop chances on jst about everything since the re release in 2019
Got Edegmasters 2 times and git rich
In warmane’s onyxia, a fiery war axe dropped, a staff of Jordan dropped and so did the icemail jerkin , I lost every single greed roll😂
As a warlock lol
The best feeling is when you exit this game 🤣
They are world drop and my first ever epic I couldn't even use it as a leather wearer. got laughed for putting in AH for 75g at the time! Back in the noughties!
Guys you need to try farming eyes of the shadow solo in vinterspring… total dope, It made my xp of wow absolutely something else … I did it with a warr in a tanking spec
I like garbage just because its purple? Lmfao
finding a krol blade while farming large brilliant shards in strat was the highlight of my vanilla career
Then you roll a 3 and then roll a 98 on a shit weapon
Then you realise they are wank and worth nothing. Got two of them to drop and made 180 gold. Did a day of large venom sack farming and made 1.1k
AHHH finally a good hunter item!
I had assassination blade drop for me back in the day on retail. Funded several characters after that.
Man those shoulders are worthless 😀
I think the best drop I got was feet of the lynx in hillsbrad but that was wrath
Shittiest shoulders ever xd
Truly an amazing feeling
Those are garbage lol
Nice rare, but the stats could be better… like intellect instead of spirit. For a purple rare, should be all three!
The best would be if it was edgemasters.
Got mine from a Winterspring Yeti back in the day
Those moments don’t happen often, but when they do it feels great.