The BEST Progenitor Essentia Farm In WoW 9.2

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In This world of warcraft shadowlands 9.2 goldfarm video i’m featuring the best progenitor essentia farm in 9.2
Grab mining & herbalism, and follow the route shown in the video, make sure to get the two buffs and happy hunting! ( dont forget to pick up treasures)
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40 thoughts on “The BEST Progenitor Essentia Farm In WoW 9.2”

  1. They changed it Studen, if you read the text when you talk to him, it's when mining or gathering. Even though the buff on the op says while looting, it's not anymore.

  2. This has been my fav farm to date, I have been able to not only farm gold but farm gear as well. Surpassed 1M Gold with this farm and fully maxed out my Cypher gear iLVL at the same time and about 2 points away from completing the entire cypher console system, good stuff.

  3. Hello Studen, there is a craftable engi optional reagent, which gives like +60speed and mount speed on a gear you make and it stacks, so if you craft it on all 8 pieces with like crafter's mark 4, you will run WAY WAY faster…not lying like 2-3x speed, especially strong for farming, hope this helps 🙂

  4. Bro you have the best luck I have ever seen. I have been doing a similar route for my channel for the last two weeks and have gotten ZERO Progenitor Essentia…I only get them from fishing.

  5. Great video as always but i notice that you rarely or never use Darkmoon firewater for farming? Why’s that 😊? I think that potion gives way more efficiency than Shadowlands gathering for gloves 😊 but hey I’m not the one with tons of goldcap characters so maybe I’m wrong?^^

  6. Doesn't work anymore, I have over 6hrs of farming in total and not seen a single Prog Essentia from a Mining/Herbing. Totally RNG if you get them or not but they have such a low drop rate there's really no "efficient" way to farm them.
    This was using a Herb and Miner as well as looting chests.

  7. hey bro thank you so much for showing off these gold farms really helps me out alot i never used to make alot of gold but just today within 5 hours i made 1mill i got that 2h sword and a bunch of essentia


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