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0:00 Best QoL Class Updates In 11.1
1:23 Druid
4:30 Hunter
8:17 Mage
11:46 Paladin
13:18 Shaman
16:46 Warlock
Any word when the update is officially releasing?
Da menstrual rift? 19:04
as a MM hunter i have to say this is pure horror. why ruin a completely fine specc???? what a shitshow.
Can't disagree with you more about MM.
The hunter fantasy is absolutely about the pet. Having the option to use or not use the pet is the better way. Taking away that option ruins the class fantasy, IMO.
how is that druid a nightborne?
What on earth are you talking about with Resto Shaman? Did you even talk to a Resto before making this video? Why would anyone be excited for MTT being merged, MTT basically isn't even worth pressing currently as it doesn't even give enough back to give you a free chain heal, after this yeah it'll finally give enough for one chain heal….on a 3min cd, woo. Not like NS does that every minute…..
Oh and we lose AG. Obviously we were compensated for losing one of our major cds …right? RIGHT?!?!
No, no we were not.
May I ask what chest piece that is on your druid at the start of the video? Haven't come across that one.
Rain of Fire going to get the treatment that I have been BEGGING Flamestrike for mages to get for literal years….OH COME ON! 😠
I am so glad they added the option to change your pet from tenacity or whatever to something else. No idea why they ever removed it to begin with. I have so many pets i would love to run with but I am limited because I like to have the extra "heal" tenacity pets have.
I'm also really excited about the resto changes. Hopefully the totem merging works well once it gets testes. I am super excited about the shield charges changes. The globals we'll save is fantastic with all of those changes.
OMG, I'm so happy to see Blizz finally doing some really good QoL changes.
Some qol for your channel, the war raft music in the bg is annoying and not really needed as it's slightly drowning out your voice on mobile, I'll come back when you fix that.
Drain life is iconic, don't know if I like it being taken out. I would have rather used it for AOE or solo healing/dps. 🙁
they need to have hunter pets keep this new system they used to have witch pet spec change but add shit like from wrath of the lich king pets back where like every pet had a special. even if its not for pvp even cause that made it fun af. ravenger had a 2 second knock down. warp stalkers warped. crabs had a 4 second snare. idk prly broken af but i want it back lol. or make it where you can change the special abilities as well. im tired of runnin raptor. i wanna put rend on a mechanical wolf and or a bear and have that bear be cunning
You're speaking in cursive. Slow down and enunciate.
WoW takes a dive every few years… We're living one of them. Ian HasAccostedUs needs to go.
Another suggestion, allow the gems and ring upgrades to be purchased by alts instead of repeating the same quest 15 times, as long as it has been done on your main…….
Thank god fk yesss
Aff warlock needs Soul swap back, along with Agony starting at Higher stacks and lasting longer with corruption. Soul conduit should be made baseline for all specs and swapped with some sort of additional cc like a knock up. Then mobility should be looked at more so for Aff and Destro with maybe some interaction with Soulburn like sacraficing a SS to allow Drain soul, incerate ect to be able to be cast whilst moving.
updates means more problems enough said!
retail is cooked
The MM change is dogshit and overly dramatic. The simple fix would have just been to allow the hunter to access all the pet buffs (maybe if they take lone wolf and have no pet out). It’s dumb as dirt to remove the Hunter pet completely from MM. There is more to the game than instanced group content with a tank party member.
Blizz QoL changes = long overdue shit that should have been in game years ago
I had a hard time following your video. You kept saying things they were going to change but not actually explaining what that change is.
Sick transmog on the druid 1:47. Any chance you could share it?
Unpopular opinion, less buttons to keep track of and more passive abilities that add flavor to each spec
Thanks for breaking all that down. That was very helpful and informative.
Hunters have had pet pathing and damage issues since DAY 1 how about fixing THAT! no dumb ass Bliz wants to hey we will ginve you a new pet so shut up!!! these DEVS SUCK
Blizz: we give players lot choices!
Also Blizz: we take away choices!
Can't stand the MM changes personally, it was nice that lone wolf was an option, not a requirement. I could ditch my pet for dungeons and such but use one for questing and delves. It's completely undermined my dracthyr hunter I made. I already have BM and surv hunters and I wanted to try MM after having not tried it since Legion because of lone wolf. And I was actually really having fun. Why are they so adamant on taking away the pet from a PET CLASS? If you want a petless ranged class play a mage.
The only quality of life improvement the game NEEDS right now is for tanks. No one wants to tank, they are GUTTING prot warrior which will make even more tanks quit. These devs are high on something and its not positive for the game.
As a bm main im hyped about the aro additions and the pet spec ive always been wanting it back and im hoping they give exotics abit more flair and spirit beasts
RIP disc priest. 😔
The MM changes just goes to show they only consider M+ and raids for class functionality. high end delves and more difficult open world will suck with no pet…. not sure about PVP…
20 years as mm hunter, and they finaly made me wanna swap main.
The change is just baffeling ! Whats next, fury warriors dont use weapons anymore, just shouts 🤪
The pet is a core identity of hunters, and it cant be that hard to keep it as a choice…
I'm really happy about the change to FoF and WC. BUT, I feel they also need to increase the duration of the WC debuff now to along with it. With FoF lances not consuming WC stacks, they may be falling off before we get a chance to use them with lance/glacial spike, and that would feel just as bad as the current proc munching we get.
Going to miss having a pet to tank as I play MM in world content. 😔
What about when you have Bear form you don’t get to Agro when you want somebody always steal your Agro from the Bear
Qol update, nerf dk survivability…..
Blizz is dumb