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The Best Rated Battleground Addons In Shadowlands | Patch 9.0.5
In today’s video, I show you the two best rated battleground addons you should be using in shadowlands. These addons are extremely helpful and make your awareness of the battleground a lot better. Make sure to customize them however you want. The default settings for me work just fine. Enjoy!
00:00 – Please Subscribe To My YouTube Channel
00:25 – The Two Best Rated Battleground Addons In Shadowlands
01:02 – Explaining Battleground Enemies Addon
04:30 – Explaining Reporter Addon
06:00 – Showing How The Addons Work In Random Battlegrounds
13:01 – Please Follow My Twitch Channel
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#ratedbattlegrounds #bestaddons #shadowlands #rbgs #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands
Do You Use These Addons For Rated BGs? 👇 The Capping Addon is another great addon recommended by a viewer.
You are missing the Capping add on. Tells you when something will cap without hovering and projects how many bases you need to take to win
You are missing the capping add on.
I can’t seem to find the addonn REporter