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#Rogue #Worldofwarcraft #Guide #Assassination #outlaw #subtlety
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Today we look at simulations that were created that point us and educate us to what is the best covenant ability. I believe you should always pick what you enjoy playing but this will also help you make a sensible decision if you care about your DPS in Castle Nathria which is the new raid in 9.1 Shadowlands
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Yes I said "let it go of the past" kekw. Remember these are just guide lines and are subject to change. Also like the video <3
I was always going Venthyr, it’s a bonus to know I won’t be cack because of it. (there will be other reasons I’m cack, ya)
Fuu is a beast. Thanks for the video!
Looking at the sims in the video, that Pelo nerf looks to have achieved the best outcome possible – balance AND freedom of choice! If they get similar results with other classes they may have solved the biggest issue of Shadowlands. 🙏🙏🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
For m+ who is best choice for subletly rogue??
I wanted to go venthyr when slaughter was still a thing for pvp. But I hate the new skill a lot. And it breaks cc. If you need to hard switch to someone and cc your current target, if you already have flag on them, it will damage your cc. At least it was last time I checked >_<
Curious as to why you run guile vs celerity. Do you just play it because you like the call back to Combat?
The question îs how îs assa going to be compared to the other classes?
I dont want to drop assa… I dont mind if he îs The weakest of the 3 rogue specs as long he performs decent compared to the rest of the classes
What do you think?
“Assassination will be buffed don’t worry” been waiting for buffs all beta lol rip
I love this man! OMG
Never heard of twAtch did the dmca kill twitch 🤣🤣
Great video
Thanks again for all the work/content you've been putting out Infexious. Also props to the main man Fuu for the sims.
sorry if you've done a video on this already but what covenant are you personally gonna be using for your rogue ?
Really wish they'd just stop with all the borrowed power shit, imo covenants should just be cosmetic stuff and maybe pre-raid/first tier BIS, not abilities.
I actually enjoy the Kyrian 'theme' the most and enjoy the class ability. So glad to see it is still solid! As Outlaw – the sims regarding Mikanikos, are they strong just due to the complete tree and using hammer of genesis? If so, I might go Venthyr and Nadjia to start off and then look to swap later in progression or if/when tuning comes. Nice job presenting Fuu's data 🙂
I'll show you a pelagon 😏
Ya strame an Twatch, dae ya?
"Nightfae is BROKEN" he says. lol
it's obvious that you don't want to be Nightfae. And is obvious that I want to be Nightfae.
You want every covenant perform the same in every situation? Why?
give nightfae a 4% nerf and Venthir 4% buff – fine. so were talking about 4%
U call it broken, I call it "World of Warcraft"
I remember the good old times where Mages beat the shit out of warriors. I would love to see your reaction to this specific topic 😀
I am pro balancing but I am also pro a little bit inbalance. that keeps the game alive.
*runs away before every min/maxer beat my ass"
so what's the best covenant for pve??
Seeing how patchwork seems to be all around balanced on assass across all cov..wouldn’t a nerf to night fae make night fae not playable in single target? It’s not even that far ahead in aoe of Mikanos on Assass. And seeing how assass is already the worst spec by a long shot a nerf to night fae would be worse for assass who’s already struggling in aoe and ST.