The best Sub Rogue Macros and AddOns – Shadowlands guide

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Thank you so much for everything. All of the macros will be listed below.



Macro to switch your Tricks of the trade macro’s name:
/run T = UnitName(“target”)
/run if not InCombatLockdown() then EditMacro(‘TotT’, nil, nil, ‘#showtooltipn/cast [@’.. T ..’] Tricks of the Trade’, nil); print(‘Tricks: ‘ .. T); end;

Tricks of the trade name macro:
/cast [@Name] Tricks of the Trade

Engineering Belt:
/use 6

Engineering Cape:
/use 15

Stealth macro:
#showtooltip Stealth
/cast !Stealth

Mouseover Shadowstep:
#showtooltip Shadowstep
/cast [@mouseover] Shadowstep

Focus Shadowstep Kick:
#showtooltip Kick
/cast [@focus] Shadowstep
/cast [@focus] Kick

Arena123 Kidney shots:
#showtooltip Kidney Shot
/cast [@Arena1] Kidney Shot

#showtooltip Kidney Shot
/cast [@Arena2] Kidney Shot

#showtooltip Kidney Shot
/cast [@Arena3] Kidney Shot

Arena123 Blinds:
#showtooltip Blind
/cast [@Arena1] Blind

#showtooltip Blind
/cast [@Arena2] Blind

#showtooltip Blind
/cast [@Arena3] Blind

Burst macro:
#showtooltip Symbols of Death
/cast Symbols of Death
/cast Cold Blood
/cast Shadow Dance
/use Sinful Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity


I wonder if anyone actually read these:
Probably not

I’ll leave this joke down here just incase:
Mushrooms are fun guys.


34 thoughts on “The best Sub Rogue Macros and AddOns – Shadowlands guide”

  1. Here is one of my fav macros that I stumbled upon:

    "Poisons" "458736"

    /use [button:1] Instant Poison; [button:2] Crippling Poison; [button:3] Wound Poison

    /use [button:1] 16; [button:2] 17; [button:3] 18

    /click StaticPopup1Button1

    Left click instant, right click crippling, middle click wound.

    Edit: here's another
    #showtooltip Rupture

    /cast !Stealth

    /Cast Rupture

    That will allow you to press the rupture button when you are out of combat and will allow you to enter stealth. Freeing up a keybind.

    I also have snd bound to stealth so I can free up another as well. And if out of combat will snd then stealth.

  2. I plan on getting a pc exclusively for wow soon i wanna roll a rogue im stuck between orc or nelf(literally only for the sabercat mounts) does race make that big a difference in pvp?

  3. If you’re like me and watch a ton of youtubers but rarely subscribe please subscribe to this guy. Small YouTuber putting out quality content that is well explained with just enough personality added.

  4. That Tricks macro is actually INSANE. I spent 20 minutes trying to get it to work because I had an extra space in the macro name.
    I cant believe I have never seen this. Do you know how I could get it to work with Misdirection instead?

  5. Actually an amazing video, even the keybind stuff… i dont know why but i never thought of using 's' or spacebar to keybind which makes so much sense when you say it! Great stuff!

  6. I picked up Sub Rogue for this expansion, having played on Assassination in previous expacs. Your channel has been SO helpful – i like your chill vibe, thanks for the content my guy, keep it up

  7. Gonna toss this up here. If you're using the Tricks macro. make sure that you either A: make your macro name the same in the 1st macro that changes the name in the other. or B: change the name in that macro to what you called your tricks macro. Otherwise it won't work. This is what you need to change your tricks macro to or edit. then EditMacro(TotT' <— that in the ` `


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