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Im going to have to restore the 610 candle trinket I got on my mage!
Interesting. I just replaced this – this am. @ 606 Didn't realize it was this good as I refer to icyveins or wowhead lists for evaluation.
Damn no way i had this trinket and thought it was ass so i DE’d it lol
It ain’t the best but it is good
I had thousands of trinkets and cloaks in delves, never seen this one. Feels bad.
Just looted and tried the trinket in a +3. Not sure if it's a bug with Mirror Images for mages, but I was only able to summon one of the spirits (Waxx) the entire run. Dmg was not overwhelming, so I think they nerfed/fixed this.
I fucking hate that knock!!
Today I came back to wow… Gave it an hour, I asked for a refund and they gave me my refund. I do not like all the changes they have made in WoW. I quit after BFA, and I think it's going to remain.
I've vendored a couple of those trinkets. I wish I would have known sooner
Ah man. I've disenchanted this trinket like 4 times because it simed worse than what I had lol
I got it early and i love it ; mage. it does huge damage
The war within
Mistborn reference?
That trinket will be nerfed into the ground before 2% of people can even get one
I love the way Wayne waddles 🕯️☺️
I do have this trinket but its not simming as well as my current one so i was hesitant to use it
Blade masters exist, just not playable. There are some NPC's and enemies in warlords Nagrand and some 2hand swords to get. TBF it could be its own class, but in lore most blade masters are more or less just philosopher warriors.
The Candle Confidante: I have it. I love it. It rocks!
I got that trinket on my Warlock, his first WW trinket actually, and noticed the candles were my #2 to #3 DPS source lol. Can have all 3 spawned at once, made leveling easy.
Lol who was police knocking on your door like that? 😂😂😅
I got that trinket from a chest given by completing a.weekly quest, it is only 597,but I will level of up until I can get another higher kick one
Honestly guys stop showing blizzard these it's the only trinket in game that actually is a decent one. The others are all crap im still stuck with the zone trinket that spawns a shadow orb to help in combat show them that an get that nerfed not the candle trinket. If it gets neffered ill be just wearing one trinket.
You ate saying that the candle confidant trinket is the best dps trinket?
So how the hell do I get it to drop as a melee?
I'm seeing that it is an int trinket that only activates when you cast a spell.
So melee are screws out of this trinket?
I did notice ttinket i have it at 619 with spymastser haha
Thanks for reading the blue posts for us. 🙄
I really hate when youtubers talk about gear for stupid views it always means devs are nerfing that gear to the ground
I have sharded a few of these LOL
I have the $400 Frostmourne from Epic Weapons the first time an official replica was offered. Thing weighs 16lbs
I alched like 20 of these.. ops
Dude, appreciate the info but the music is so loud I closed the tab.
To bad this is for casters only
Speaking of artwork, I'd like to give a shoutout to the artists of wow. With this new expansion out, and being so hyped with the new content, you know everyone is just grinding right now to get further in the game, better gear, higher level delves, dungeons, raids…you don't get much chance to stop and appreciate the fine details. At the end of my game time at night, I make myself stop and just look around and explore the little things and just take a moment to appreciate all the work that was put into this game. At first I wasn't a fan of all the new stuff, being a returning player from years ago, but the more I played it, the more I started enjoying everything again. Thanks Blizzard
Blizzard sitting around the corner with a nerf bat waiting to nerf that trinket
when it comes to PVE delve trinkets all of them are lacking
KING Varian, not lord
So stupid of me I def didn’t play mop because of the kung fu panda shit lmao
I DE the trinket SMH!!
I got that trinket on 5 toons yesterday when I turned in the weekly lol
Wow it’s not a react video. Nice
Are you upgrading all the way with runed crests and gilded crests too or just max with valorstones?
ive been killing those rare listed every week for rep , so dont think it was reset ever jus weekly kill
why would you leave a knock