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We’re at least a month or so away from the launch of Shadowlands patch 9.1.5. Here’s a brief guide that cuts past the numerous, changes coming and helps fast track you to enjoying all the improvements!
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The prep has begun
Very nice and comprehensive guide. Stay Brezzy Soul.
Just make all gaming account wide, sooner or later it will happen. Somehow stop the bleeding wow has lost way too many people time to listen to the real players
Here's where I include things I missed:
There's a mount award for completing all seven mage tower challenges during legion timewalking, so consider what characters you want to use and doll them up with gear. Odds are pretty good that these challenges will NOT be on the PTR knowing that we'd probably practice on it. You can see which class/challenge combos there are in this link.
There's also an account wide conquest chest you can buy so you can give basic gladiator gear to your alts. This is more like a conquest dump than a way to gear your fresh characters, so save your pitchforks.
Two questions! 1) Many of the guides to being able to skip intro quest chains or send resources to an alt require a "fully upgraded covenant sanctum." Does that mean all 5 parts of the covenant specific weekly things? Or just 3 tiers, like the transport/ mission table/ anima conductor? and 2) Do you have any suggestions about what to do with the RNG Korthian armaments I've been stacking up on my main? I have enough to outfit several lower level alts, but I am afraid they will all go to waste like the gear tokens from Nazjatar. By the time I got my alts to use them, they would probably be gaining similar items just from leveling and progression.
Great video! I spent gold on a wow token and thought I wasted my gold but this gave me some inspiration to do some cool stuff!
You forgot the most important part of prepping for this patch Soul. Restarting your WoW account.
So I can add anima to my reservoir now and move it later?
The Renown grind is daunting. In total, I need like 92 Renown if I want to max out all Covenants. It'd take a month if I do a calling every single day on 4 characters.
I reached rank 4 in archive reputation. I got burnt out. Lol
Well done
I love the weekly guides Breezy. Stay blessed 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thanks again, Soul. Looks like I need to clear my banks for space for the relicssss and anima earned going forward.
really glad you posted this guide!
Maybe a dumb question but for those of us that joined at the end of legion and never constructed a mage tower, will we have to complete that or will it just be available?
We don’t need the cov campaigns completes on the same character right? I have one toon per cov right now with all campaigns completed so I hope I don’t need to do it all on one guy.
The even easier prep: Go and have fun in FF14 instead.