The Casuals Gamemode for World of Warcraft!

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Fresh off the War Within Deep Dive we take a look at Delves which have the potential to be the Ultimate Casual Feature for World of Warcraft. Jump in jump out gameplay with good rewards has us Dad Gamers taking notice. Similar to the Guild Wars 2 Heart system or maybe even Lost Sectors from Destiny 2. Is World of Warcraft going to Respect our Time this time around?


Plays Channel: @BadCuzDadPlays
Star Wars Channel: @AmorphousJedi

#worldofwarcraft #wow #warwithin #wowdelves


2 thoughts on “The Casuals Gamemode for World of Warcraft!”

  1. ive stopped "playing " WoW.

    I've become a Raid Logger…im hooked on GW2 lol because of how they keep you in the WORLD.
    WoW use to have that years ago. now? it feels like a Q'ing/instance/raid game. which can fun. but, as ive had AOTC for a few weeks now. and we dont Mythic raid. why log in? for what?

  2. I'm hoping that, if they're making these changes that they'll be able to go back and fix the previous expansions so that a lot of the features that were removed as expansions came to an end, get added back as "evergreen" features. It really breaks the story of those expansions removing things that were integral to the stories. BfA, for example. Azerite was a key component of the expansion that they tried to lock out (there is a work around atm, which I hope doesn't get locked out as well). That's what I'm hoping this is a sign of.


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