The Class Changes I Would LOVE To See Before The War Within Expansion! World Of Warcraft

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0:00 How I Would Change Each Class In TWW
1:20 Death Knight
4:31 Demon Hunter
6:16 Druid
8:26 Evoker
9:49 Hunter
11:58 Mage
13:11 Monk
16:09 Paladin
18:39 Priest
20:30 Rogue
22:25 Shaman
24:21 Warlock
25:50 Warrior


13 thoughts on “The Class Changes I Would LOVE To See Before The War Within Expansion! World Of Warcraft”

  1. we have 3 dwaf races…regular, dark iron and soon earthen. Can we get more variety on races/allied races…private servers have Naga, Ogres, Murlocs, even Broken. What I would love to see are new race models instead of recycled ones.

  2. I'd personally like to see Beast Master become more utility based. Radically, make pet tanking viable as a support tank. Less so, supporting DPS with dire beasts doing something other than more damage. Maybe get some cats out licking wounds, some birds out swooping in on friendly crits, the odd boar smacking things away from squshies… dunno.

  3. Reset economy and leveling progression system,

    Do not give purples so easy, gear progression should remain something similar to SOD, planty grays and whites, a few greens here and there, greens coming from chests (random), rares, dungeons, blue on rare ocassions from dungeos, purples only from max crafting and raids (Normal and above, DO NOT GIVE PURPLES ON RAID FINDER, still artwork from armor a weapons should be the same, just different coloration). Different sets on dungeons, raids and separate set for mythic + dungeons so ppl keep doing them, greens and blues on lower key levels, purples from higher key levels).

  4. Arms warrior is very boring it needs to get away from protection abilities like thunderclap and budget feral style of gameplay surely some passive bleeds is fine if they would come from mortal strike or overpower for example. (and some animations need to be addressed overpower using execute animation with using only one 2h weapon looks horrible)

  5. We need to talk about monk talent tree, it feels awful to choose a talent that only gives you % damage or %heal received, these could be from the class overalls or at least have some gimmicks with it. The stats from WW feels awkward once we have a talent to make combo and a mastery that benefits from the same thing, monk for me needs a DH revamp soon as possible

  6. As a fire mage, I feel like Sun Kings Blessing is already effectively a greater pyroblast, fitting in another long cast into the rotation would be more tedious than fun imo,
    Other than that I generally agree with everything else in the video 🙂

  7. I’d like to see MM replaced with the ranged survival spec from previous expansions.

    Then add The Ranger class making the first spec Marksman the second Warden and the third Field Medic

    MM dps
    Warden tank
    Medic healer/dps

    Give the MM ranged and melee weapons utilizing ranged dmg and melee cc like disarm, slows, and stuns.

    Warden.. Maiev starts recruiting the other races to become wardens using shadow stealth magics by stun CC/ evasive maneuverability tanking reducing dmg to the party.

    Field Medic would use aoe health potions and stimulants along with bandages and cc to heal raids.

    But shit that will never happen… 😢


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