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Explore the secrets of the Un’Goro Crater, a remote and lush wilderness in Southern Kalimdor. In the past, it was known as the “God Lands,” a place of unique flora and fauna, including mighty devilsaurs and ancient elementals.
The story begins with the Titan Freya, who shaped Azeroth and created the Emerald Dream here. Nablya, a Titanic Watcher, conducted experiments in this region.
Discover the birth of Wild Gods, their link to the Emerald Dream, and their importance in Azeroth’s history.Hear how the Un’Goro Crater witnessed conflict in the War of the Shifting Sands, where night elves and Qiraji fought for dominance.
The Marshal Expedition ventured into this perilous land, encountering dinosaurs and elementals. They established the Marshal Refuge in response. And learn how to region underwent profound changes during the cataclysm and Legion invasion
Today, we understand that the Un’Goro Crater has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, epic clashes of titans, and the resilience of explorers. It’s a place of perpetual fascination.
Join us in uncovering the untold tales of this splendid world.
Chapters in the Un’Goro Crater History:
00:00 – 00:22 – The Un’Goro Crater
00:22 – 01:05 – A Geographical Miracle
01:05 – 02:52 – Ordering of Azeroth & Freya
02:52 – 04:50 – Creation of Un’Goro Crater
04:50 – 07:10 – The Crater of Experiments
07:10 – 08:42 – Broken Tranquility
08:42 – 10:16 – The Marshal Expedition & Their Refuge
10:16 – 11:12 – The Ahn’Qiraj War
11:12 – 12:27 – Discovery of Shapers Terrace
12:27 – 12:58 – Formation of The Marshal Stand
12:58 – 13:21 – Un’Goro Metamorphosis
13:21 – 14:15 – Maximillian, The Saviour of Un’Goro
14:15 – 15:30 – Legacy of Un’Goro
Join us as we uncover the mysteries of Azeroth’s landscapes and legends.
Adventure awaits!
Join us every Friday for captivating tales from World of Warcraft’s expansive lore. From zones and dungeons to characters and more, our journey into Azeroth’s tales has just begun. Don’t miss out on the adventures that await!
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More tales from within the Karazhan Library:
Characters: (Lich King Part 1) (Lich King Part 2) (Headless Horseman Special Edition)
Dungeons & Raids:
#wowclassic #wowlore #worldofwarcraft
In the realm of reality, these narratives are painstakingly woven over countless hours and days. All in-game clips are culled from both World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft Wrath of The Lich King Classic. The script is meticulously penned and supervised by two adept storytellers. Our channel springs to life as the twin guardians of the Karazhan Library regale these tales.
The tales serve a dual purpose: to captivate those in search of Azeroth’s lore and as a channel for creative expression. The assistance of artificial intelligence for Galadriel’s voice ensures a consistent, dependable, and private conduit for our storytelling endeavors. We extend our hopes that you revel in the tales of Azeroth as unveiled through the parchment within our enchanting library.
Greetings all, the tales of the Un’Goro Crater await. Whilst you delve into the history of this perilous land, please be aware that there is a scripture mistake in our articles, the Marshal Expedition moved from the Refuge to the Stand, not Strand. We have our finest scribe fixing this mistake, for now however, what tales would you like to hear next?
I've been waiting for this video for ages.
Lots of memories from Un'Goro. The escort quest from the forilla cave, the measuring of temperature at the volcano and the grind to get rhe raptor mount.
I put this on low and fell asleep so happy listening to this ❤
I just wanna let you guys know I only clicked on this to call you all NERDS! ok, on with the video I mean… another video
At 2:20 , I noted that you said that the Well of Eternity was constructed by the Titans and their keepers to serve as a font of life for the world. This is not exactly untrue—after all, the titan keepers did eventually form magical wards around it, and through this it did indeed become a font of power—but the Well's creation was far more accidental.
The story begins with the titan Aman'Thul ripping the old god Y'Shaarj from Azeroth's surface during the attempted ordering of the planet. Because the old gods were so deeply embedded in the planet (the beings of considerable size that they are), it was almost impossible to remove them without causing massive damage to the slumbering world soul within—a realization that would later cause the titans to imprison the old gods instead of killing them outright.
It was far too late to undo their first kill, however—Y'Shaarj had still been ripped from the planet, and so the titan soul was still damaged. A great wound had been formed in the planet's surface, and as a result, the blood* of the sleeping titan began to surge to the surface—a liquid bearing immense magical potency, and capable of a great many feats of power.
Seeking to stabilize the wound, the titan keepers placed the aforementioned magical wards around the it, causing the wound to heal to a decent enough degree, while also managing to calm the wildly fluctuating arcane energy that the titan blood had been creating within the great lake. It is through this that the titan keepers came to name it the Well of Eternity, and gained its use as a great font of power for later use by both the keepers and the various races of Azeroth.
So, essentially, the Well of Eternity is in actuality a massive magical scar on the surface of the planet. Fun stuff.
*As a side note, the crystalized version of this blood later came to be known as "Azerite" in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, where its immense magical potency was used to create weapons of war and to empower the armor of adventurers.
Loving these video's! Please make one for each Outland zone, since they are my absolute fav zones in all of wow.
In the Cretaceous period, there was a huge expanse of dinosaur species. It baffles me that Blizzard never introduced things like hadrosaurs and pachycephalosaurs.
beast wars megatron
You need to turn your gain up!! Other than that, great vid!! I always loved Un'Goro Crater 😁
Classic HC got me back here
Stand by for action. We’ll be going back to Un’Goro (and Sholazar and The Vale of Eternal Blossoms)!
Ungoro crater is comin' sooner than later…
Please output this recording at a higher volume, it's Much lower than it should be.
I’ll never forget my favorite memory of Un goro. I was a young lvl 53 holy Paladin and ran into 2 Alliance who couldn’t kill me. Intense pvp battle. It was fun.
I love how comfy this zone is. Green, warm, and misty with the cozy cover of the trees…
Nice job!
Nintendo Crate… err I mean Un'goro Crater was fun at the time 😀
Your narration style is awesome, truly enjoyable to listen to this while questing in WoW. Keep up the awesome work!
Hi! Especially enjoyed the selection of images to accompany the narration. Is anything AI assisted? Would appreciate a note in the description if so! Cheers
I have a 2yo boy who’s obsessed with dinosaurs, so sometimes I take him to Ungoro just to roam around and see what we find. I know there are now much better Dino safari zones in WoW, but ungoro will always have a special place in my heart, and for whatever reason, he prefers it too.
Man, I love these channels. Thansk for all the effort.
thanks for uploading
😑 The lack of dinosaurs is my only problem with un,goro.
Enjoyed this! Un'goro is such a nice zone.
A bit sad I didn't hear any mention of the crystals or the old Linken quest.
So, I completely steered clear of Un'goro because of the 'mafia' in classic.
I ended up needing to go there in TBC Classic, because I was leveling up Skinning for my Shaman BIS. I figured it should be safe by now, why would anyone still be camping Devilsaur?
Boy was I wrong! Had an old Dwarf Hunter camp my body anytime he was able to find me. There was one point I would follow him as a ghost, he would try and either hide in the body of the devilsaur, or he'd hide behind a tree.close enough that if I spawned, he'd kill me instantly.
What a sad way to play the game
I remember watching a video about Classic wow and the Ungoro zone when i was a junior in HS back in 2005. Its what inspired me to get a gaming pc with my extra scholarship money when I got into college. I loved paladins from D2 so I was psyched to play one in wow. I will never forget learning about Linkens quests where you can either get A badass one of a kind xmog…..IF YOU KEPT THE DAMN SWORD FROM CLASSIC TO WHEN XMOG came out. Yup I am talking about one of the greatest one handed sword designes. Linkens sword of mastery. I actually met a guy who had that damn sword and its the damn coolest sword in the game. Only two other swords exist that share the same model but have different textures. Its also one of the rare swords that you sheath on your back. I would literally start playing wow again if I could get that damn sword.
Man, Blizzard had something special about their art. Every zone feels special, unique and beautiful on its own style.