The Cultist | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I present to you the current design of the Cultist class on Conquest of Azeroth. It’s come a long way, it has a crazy awesome theme, and its one of the most cohesive overall specs in CoA. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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0:00-2:37 – Intro
2:38-4:03 – The Basics
4:04-4:59 – Talent Tree
5:00-5:47 – Godblade Cultist
5:48- 6:40 – Dreadnought Cultist
6:41-8:27 – Corruption Cultist
8:28-9:53 – Influence Cultist
9:54-12:00 – Design Hurdles
12:01-13:16 – Conclusion

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33 thoughts on “The Cultist | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft”

  1. Cultist is my prediction for most played class come release. Not that I'm saying people shouldn't play it , just that they should be aware that if they do they'll be competing with lots of other cultists for raid spots

  2. What if, instead of just killing you at 100 insanity, you lost control of your character for 15 seconds and become hostile for all, and then die.

    (maybe disabled in cities)

  3. This class is so sweet. I don't know if you guys need anymore inspiration at this point, because you're doing a good job, but the tank spec gives me BIG Chaos 'Chosen' Tank vibes from Warhammer Online… but with appropriate Warcraft flavor. Definitely one of the most badass looking classes in that game. One thing that was cool about them was their auras, which were kinda like inverted Paladin auras, because y'know, they're evil warped knights.

    Debilitating curse auras would definitely fit the vibe of the Dreadnought Cultist! Maybe even some stacking effects the longer enemies stay near them.

  4. Bruh i feel like i saw this class as a dream 6 years ago, when i used to enjoy theorycrafting dnd homebrew classes and subclasses. Also this class feels like what Death Knight could of been if Blizzard had cared enough about it to expand the class fantasy beyond just focusing on it being a melee class with some casting but focused more on the necromancy aspect of the fantasy.

  5. Just went back on coa for the first time since the talent trees and holy crap what a 180 coa has taken. Appreciate all of y’all’s work this feels like a very different experience. Me and the boys are getting the M+ group back together!

  6. Would love a Arcane Summon class, think Karazhan arcane mobs being summoned with the mage firing arcane missiles into the summons to unleash arcane explosions and unleashing arcane orbs.


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