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Ya boy Savix gave me a Shadowlands beta key so you know I had to roll DK and crush arena (I actually did nothing and I got carried every game)
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Mor Ardain – Roaming the Wastes – Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST 048
Boss Battle Song 1 – Super Smash Bros Brawl
Oscillator Z – Break It Down
Axel L, Jackie C, Hans G, Jeremy C, Starglitter, Mike K, Articeptious, Matafleur, Millicen
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Thank you to Savix for the thumbnail, make sure to check him out lads!
Also if you guys didn't know I put up a community post up asking what race I should pick for my DK, Vulpera won by a huge margin…
I'm a big horror movie fan and I have watched both The Invisible Man and Vivarium, and I quite agree that Vivarium was trippy as shit but good nonetheless. If you like horror you should check out the Paranormal Activity series and the Saw series, some of my personal favorites.
I do agree that you and Index sound pretty much the same but I think I can tell the difference.
Welp that's it for me, have a good morning/day/night Snacky!
Disliked because of the furries.
Badge: Proud member of the cult of the Snack Pack
i fckn enjoyed this so niiiceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The amount of memes you fit in every video always astonishes me
It was an honor to escort you to the fur-club m'lord
Ahhh my monthly dose of memes has been filled xD
"tip: keep your standards low this expansion to avoid disappointment"
haha furrybox haha
ah shit
Honestly, I left WOW in Cataclysm and between all the fucking lights and shit popping in my screen, I have no idea WTF I was seeing.
I hope this doesn't get lost in the comments…. but I have to ask. What kind of editing software do you use to make your videos? and what do you think of it? Is it user friendly and intuitive? I want to make videos like this (not WoW), but the editing software I use is pretty lack luster.
My god ur videos are full of juice
it was already bad enough that gnomes could be death knights…
Sick video as always m8, I like the Snack Pack too.
what game is this?
Dislike bc Vulpera gtfo Furry !
3:22 holy shit this is epic
Blessed to see this on my birthday. THE PERFECT EXPERIENCE 🔥🔥🔥
Quality memes per usual, great job great one………..uwu
Looking forward to the Naxx Experience.
nuva great vid baws
you should check out samepictureofmichaelcera on insta looool @snackybox
gasp RUJIJI?!
Blizzard after wotlk and they ran out of ideas because lorewise it was completed: I can milk you
this was. interesting. not sure which part tho.. the furries…the VR…the INDEXRPWALK.. i am hard.
Saw one of our favorite youtuber do a Dk vulpera just like you, with Index Guud this is lore-friendly now.
I dont even like retail anymore but your edits are too funny lol
You should have gone for the Blood elves
Please do classic
So how was the DK experience in Shadowlands? 🤣 I am playing UH DK myself, so I am EAGER to hear more!!!!
Who's that asian guy at the beginning?
Your videos are so amazing, dude. Thanks for giving me 4 minutes of happiness every month and a half. <3
Sometimes dying once isn't enough
ew retail
Missed opportunity to name oneself “SnackyFox” – disappointed.
how did snackybox get 30k honor?
The Snack Sesh dream is dead
Snack pack is my name on LoL, and I heard that blitzcrank grip noise
Mostly i have no idea what is going on in these arena matches , but goddamn i can't stop watching this channel
Another amazing snackybox vid good job mate !
this is probably the funniest wow video ive ever seen. incorporating the stupid uwu s*** aswell hahahha
I would join your pack, Snackybox…
….but you might have something better to do