The Death Knight Experience: Shadowlands

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Ya boy Savix gave me a Shadowlands beta key so you know I had to roll DK and crush arena (I actually did nothing and I got carried every game)
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Mor Ardain – Roaming the Wastes – Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST 048
Boss Battle Song 1 – Super Smash Bros Brawl
Oscillator Z – Break It Down

Axel L, Jackie C, Hans G, Jeremy C, Starglitter, Mike K, Articeptious, Matafleur, Millicen


49 thoughts on “The Death Knight Experience: Shadowlands”

  1. According to my analytics over 70% of the people that watch my videos aren't subscribed!
    If you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing, it helps me out a lot!
    Thank you to Savix for the thumbnail, make sure to check him out lads!
    Also if you guys didn't know I put up a community post up asking what race I should pick for my DK, Vulpera won by a huge margin…

  2. I'm a big horror movie fan and I have watched both The Invisible Man and Vivarium, and I quite agree that Vivarium was trippy as shit but good nonetheless. If you like horror you should check out the Paranormal Activity series and the Saw series, some of my personal favorites.
    I do agree that you and Index sound pretty much the same but I think I can tell the difference.
    Welp that's it for me, have a good morning/day/night Snacky!

  3. I hope this doesn't get lost in the comments…. but I have to ask. What kind of editing software do you use to make your videos? and what do you think of it? Is it user friendly and intuitive? I want to make videos like this (not WoW), but the editing software I use is pretty lack luster.


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