The Definitive Cataclysm DPS Tier List | World of Warcraft Classic Catalysm

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This is my overall Cataclysm Classic Tier List for DPS in PvE. If your favorite spec is lower than you believe, just know I factor utility heavily into my rankings. Remember to leave a like and subscriibe if you want to see more 🙂

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13 thoughts on “The Definitive Cataclysm DPS Tier List | World of Warcraft Classic Catalysm”

  1. Really accurate tierlist, can’t disagree with any of it. Maybe a bit too harsh on Fury warriors, yeah they will be legitimately F tier in T11 but in later phases probably C. Never sleep on the fury warrior community to overperform expectations in Classic.

    Cataclysm did a great job of introducing incredibly unique raid fights that underrepresented specs could excel on. One example is Spine of Deathwing, where sub rogues and arcane mages were nearly mandatory because of their burst damage. Another example is Chimaeron, a fight that took advantage of Resto Shaman’s strengths (stacking raid at perma low health). Shaman shined on fights with important frequent kicks, like Maloriak.

  2. I disagree a lot with how you sorted rogue. Combat has a niche damage profile that pretty much no other class has. They are, without a doubt, the best 2-target cleave dps spec in the game. Combat would excel on a lot of bosses with this kind of damage profile, such as Omnitron when the shield falls off the last targeted robot and allows you to have a phase where you can cleave both of the active robots, Magmaw when you have to kill the skeleton mob that spawns while still being able to hit the boss, Maloriak's black ooze adds, etc. Additionally, Combat has very good burst ST and cleave with Adrenaline Rush and Killing Spree. Using these CDs with Blade Flurry offers some of the best burst cleave in the game. I would put combat at a solid A tier because while their single target damage is decent, their 2 target cleave is unrivaled. I'd put assassination at around A or B tier as well. They do great single target damage but lack any real cleave or AOE (Fan of Knives was severely nerfed in Cataclysm). Subtlety I would also put at A tier, possibly S. While they do have poor damage early game, they scale very well into DS when they get the legendary daggers, becoming some of the top dps. Additionally, they probably have the best survivability of any class in the game, which is pretty important for a lot of the heroic bosses in Cataclysm. They have talents that encourage the usage of Recuperate which is already a ton of survivability, not to mention they have a talent which decreases damage taken from AOE spells by 30% while increasing the duration of Feint. Subtlety even has the ability to snapshot Rupture which would do a ton of damage on a boss like Nefarian. Rogues also offer Tricks of the Trade which is still a great damage utility spell that should still be able to snapshot spells like Corruption and Moonfire come Cataclysm. Rogues can also have very consistent AOE slows/Healing Reduction with Fan of Knives, as FoK scales off of your thrown weapon (which you can put a poison on in Cataclysm).

  3. I don’t have big opinions on tier lists, and I was very very young playing Cataclysm, but I heard Arcane/Fire mages were really great in Firelands & Dragon Soul tier but I could be wrong so…

  4. Very well detailed list. Cata doesn’t have a big private server playerbase like woltk had. Hard to get a grasp what will be top since we’re basing a lot of the info from years ago. From this list it looks on par for what I was seeing on whitemane

  5. I agree that my assessment of combat rogue specifically was a bit harsh, and if I had to re-rank I would put it in B tier especially due to the burst damage they provide. That being said, I still think assassination will be played significantly more and is the better overall spec outside of two target fights. Sub is still D tier – just because you can pull it off for 2-3 fights max doesn't make it a worthy choice when assassination can perform just as well, on top of being an easier spec to play.

    As far as Marksman goes, it's F tier for the same reason as Fury: Survival is literally always better and Marksman doesn't provide utility to make up for it.

    Hope that clears things up a bit.


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