The Devs Bring Updates! SoD Is Looking Brighter Than EVER! | World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery

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In today’s season of Discovery news video we have so much to talk about! the launch date for the next phase, the brand new tailoring items and how they are going to affect the history of season of discovery, class changes for the feral Druid and Shadow priest, big Dev confirmations and updates and so much more! I want to say thank you all once again for liking and commenting on the video because it truly helps push us to become the best season of Discovery content creators out there. we couldn’t do this without you and we truly appreciate all the love and support.


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00:00 – Intro & Giveaway!
00:20 – Phase 2 Launch Day?
01:53 – New Tailoring Items Are..
03:28 – Druid And Priest Changes
05:20 – Important Dev Clarification
06:43 – Solo Que? Role Que?
07:35 – Class Balance In SoD
09:10 – YOUR Top Comments!
13:05 – Special Shout Out!


43 thoughts on “The Devs Bring Updates! SoD Is Looking Brighter Than EVER! | World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery”

  1. Loved your take on what was mentioned in the forum posts and the top comments! I agree with everything you said 100%

    I'm stoked the WoW Classic team is really listening and taking it serious with what we as a community are asking/discussing.

    Thanks bro!

  2. Surely the fact that some classes are underperforming so much and yet theyve barely been buffed significantly means that Blizzard is counting on them being better next phase.

  3. Stop asking for retail quality of life changes like dual spec. The fact you have to go back to a city to respec is part of what made classic what it was. If we had duel spec literally all players in the open world would be a questing or PvP spec, there would be no tanks or healers. It will just become like retail. Duel spec also removes a reason for people to return to main cities and traverse the world. A big part of classic is players needing to go across the map inconveniently.

    You don’t understand how having these quality of life changes drastically changes the game in ways that make it not classic. Classic was a perfect mess or game design mechanics that worked by accident. When you try to make it more convenient you just ruin it. Classic needs to stay as close to classic as possible.

  4. Would be cool if – when they add more runes/rune slots – each rune could be applied to one of two rune slots, instead of just one. This could open up more interesting combos and fix issues such as the priest not wanting to take Shadow Word: Death over Penance. As more rune slots open up i think this would be crazy cool

  5. A main tank leaving and you not being able to complete the raid is not a system issue. It’s a social issue.

    Find a guild. Find a consistent main tank. The ability to complete top tier content without committing to a group is some retail shit.

  6. Another month is not too bad. I can not wait for the level cap to be rasied for more talents and runes. With that said, I also like the idea of leveling a few more characters to level 25. So far, I have a druid and hunter at 25 with multiples level 10-14 characters. Surely, it will take just as long from 25-40 as it was 1-25, if not longer. I doubt all the level 25s will be taken to 60. The goal is to pick a few, perhaps 2-3 alliance and 1-2 horde.

  7. i like the buff for Tank druids but i feel like the rage and energy reduction on rune abilities should be linked with the Ferocity talent in the feral skill tree. Right now there is less and less reasons to go in feral skill tree for both feral AND tank. Having Ferocity reduce Mangle, lacerate and sunfire would make it a lot more appealing

  8. dude, the only thing that i want now is phase 2, i am so lazy to do anything without mount. it's just i hate walking around and get dazed.
    but i am agree about not to put every QoL from retail to sod, well bcs not everything is good there.
    but also some of good stuff will be important for us here in sod bcs it really helpful

  9. Really don't think the ID change is good or in line with how classic works. Looking at retail all it will do is enabling more boosting services and honestly since it's such a short raid lockout to begin with.

  10. The game needs a gold sink, however I don’t think respeccing is the place to do it. It’s a flat tax bracket that hits casuals too hard. Also, a duel spec system is probably more difficult to make than it seems.

    Id rather them put the dev time into a meaningful taxation method, and just make the spec swap free.

  11. WSG should never be solo queued, the option to do so should be straight up removed. It needs buffed loss honor points and a better lfg system that enables players to create cohesive comps, and avoid problematic players. The matchmaking systems desperately needs an update regardless. I shouldn’t have a 95% wr

  12. druid damage needs to be buffed significantly or nerf other classes. No clothey or leather wearer should be surviving multiple shred crits. Maybe this will change with improved talents. But pvp wise. feral is kinda week.

  13. I think its absolutely possible to keep SoD in a good place even with so many new and modern spells being introduced.
    It's like if you walk into a candystore with thousands of different kinds of candy. In retail, the general idea was that you got to take part of every single candy. In SoD, the idea will be that you have the thousand different kinds but you are only allowed to eat a few different kinds at once.
    That idea is what makes SoD great imo.

  14. "You think you want it, but you don't" . Stop telling us what we want and don't want, look where we are now. We thought we wanted it, and we did. FLEX RAIDS are the answer to end game raiding. It has no downsides when implemented properly. It allows players with busy IRL schedules to still experience content, and it prevents the issue we have now of "hey sorry man, we have 12 so you and your buddy have to sit out this reset"


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