The Emperor Becoming A CHAOS GOD

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Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Additional Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio – released under CC-BY 4.0.


24 thoughts on “The Emperor Becoming A CHAOS GOD”

  1. Not a Chaos god, a WARP god.
    Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, and Khorne are Chaos gods and Warp gods.
    Every Chaos god is a Warp god, but not all Warp gods are Chaos gods.
    The souls of the Primarchs were minor Warp gods, NOT Chaos gods. There is also a minor Warp god of the Tau's Greater Good(because of the Tau's human citizens).

  2. It would honestly benefit humanity the most ngl. He would be able to stomp out the other four freeing his sons, and those souls taken by them. Even if the emperor was to become a Chaos God which he basically already is since psykers are on the daily sacrificed to him. He would have not forgotten his goal and may shape the imperium back into what it was.

  3. "God" in 40k is quite a loose term. None of the beings that called "god" created the universe, or the other beings live in it. In fact, Closest thing to a god in 40k is old ones.

  4. That doesn't necessarily mean a Chaos God, just a god. We know there are other, non-Chaos entities and deities in the Warp. They just tend to get eaten by Daemons or the Four. The Emperor ascending to literal godhood doesn't require him to do so as a Chaotic entity.

  5. that was a bone chilling conversation. it completely made me reconsider my fanfictions later plotlines. Most of the time i really hate the way this guy writes, but i cant deny his craftsmanship when it comes to thought patterns and dialogues.


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