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Want a spoiler? The War Within isn't going to be any less disappointing.
Avengers moment and fast saga family, was giga meme. When i saw avengers i laught, when i saw family i could not believe its real
I know I can’t be the only one who just doesn’t care about story in video games. I don’t play games for the story. I play games because it has a fun gameplay loop.
I don’t care if everyone in the world tells me a game has a good story. It doesn’t matter to me. I only care if the gameplay is good.
So it doesn’t matter to me if WoW has a good or bad story as long as the game is fun. Give me fun class designs with good raids, dungeons, and things to do in the world and I’m happy.
Having players be able to travel without issues while stronger characters aren't able to is incredibly stupid.
It's Blizzard wanting to have everything at the same time and it completely pulls you out of the game.
They should just commit to either or and adapt everything else to that choice. Aka they should grow a backbone.
Have cool idea but doesn't know how to get there is pretty much WoW's story since WoD.
How that entire time/reality travel make absolutely no sense, which in turn make Gul'dan setting up Legion make no sense. They want to bring Illidan back? Oh easy! Just retcon that he was never die, so on and so on.
Hey Boller, I agree with your takes. I feel they really need to revamp the way quest texts are. Like you could even just use AI to fill in for voices. Take some voices and then apply them with AI to all the quest texts. Maybe they have a better system, but it is highly outdated, and most people have auto accept UI's. I mostly just skip them and then I watch a Nobbel video on the zone and over all story.
I held this opinion for a while now, that WoW for some reason doesn't really have a story outside big cinematics. Those are epic, very well made, but as soon as they end you are back to quest text that you'll likely skip after a point and characters that sometimes know you, sometimes ignore you, sometimes show up, sometimes they don't… it is inconsistent. Everything exist at the whim of the writer rather than creating a consistent whole.
I think, this is partially why something like the War Within trailer fall flat for a lot of people. While you know Anduin and Thrall, they are just characters. Do you really care how they feel or what they went through? In comparison, if this same cinematic happened in FF14, this would have been a cutsceen with people that you care for and love. Hell, considering who Anduin and Thrall are, it could have been a crowning moment on their journey. Yet, in WoW, it just can't have the same impact. These visually top tier cinematics don't desrve to be dragged down by and associated with such a horrendously told and written story.
I just don't know why people can't enjoy all their allies showing up and helping. Hell, I spent extra time buffing everyone just to see what they had to say.
Okay, the video starts in a certain way…
If you don't even bother to engage with the patch and the story properly, and then ask such, excuse me, stupid questions like, "Why is Wrathion here?" then you've immediately disqualified yourself.
A video that starts off with the same old grumbling is just tedious. WOW has its weaknesses, and even though DF was a very good expansion, it certainly wasn't perfect, but we got a nice ending, a hero moment, and recognition from the dragons. Wrathion is there because all the notable dragons are there to defend the tree. He has a great storyline where we unite all dragonflights and really give Odyn a run for his money…
And sorry, but always talking about, "Well, for WOW standards, it's good…" For example, Endwalker was a great FF14 expansion when it comes to the story, but the rest was rather weak. Other MMOs sometimes have great stories but struggle with the rest. WOW had grown nice and focused on the story; if someone plays WOW because they expect a huge story, they should play something else.
I don't know why everyone is so critical of this conclusion. The only thing that bothered me was how Gilneas was handled. That was really weak, but the final dialogue between father and daughter? That was great. Nothing is perfect, but overall, WOW is on a really good path.
So if you're going to criticize, please do so with reasoned arguments, and that doesn't include stupid questions like "Why is Wrathion here?" A question that only proves you haven't bothered to engage with the content, but merely glanced at it to quickly churn out a video.
Watch for 5 minutes, slap loads of face cream on, gel your few hairs, and just babble on without having delved into the content. I'd rather watch Talis' videos, he goes much more in-depth, even if sometimes with a fanboy perspective. But at least he engages with the topics he babbles about.
Took me 3 months to get to BIS 487. What now? I don't care about mounts, battle pets or cosmetics that I can't sell
So, what we learned from this video is that Blizzard needs to master the craft of edging
I enjoyed Dragonflight's story from beginning to end. Sure it felt a little corny and cop-outed in some parts, but compared to Shadowlands' story, It's nowhere near the worst. Overall I just chalk this story up to Blizzard playing it SUPER safe this expansion while our lord and savior Thrall, grabs the story by the balls and do some actual proper course correction.
Kumbaya cringe
"Meh, good enough"
Year after year it's the same thing, lazy writing. Cool cutscenes mean nothing when the writing up to them are awful. Executives looked at the wrath gate cutscene in WOTLK that everyone loved and said "OK spend more money on cut scenes people love them" but forgot that the reason people loved that cutscene was because 1. It was new 2. The story up to that point was awesome. WoW needs to stop funding cutscenes and start hiring story telling team.
Edit: to all thinking of playing the game, don't, go support indie game developers who actually care, blizzard is a private equity company that doesn't care, been like that for years.
a new crafting system that intensives buying wow tokens running the same dungeon 10000 times just so you can raid my thoughts dog shit as usual.
I recently came back to wow. Has the leveling experience through dragonflight been this quick throughout the expansion, or have they nerfed it? I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I was able to level 60-70. Any insight is appreciated
I can't stand these cramped zones and overall feel of having every corner of the limited map be blanketed in quest givers. I miss not being able to see all the way across a zone.
Dragonflight is even worst than shadowland…
This is the Star Wars model.