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Dive into the entire lore of the Plaguelands, a land scarred by the ravages of war and the relentless march of the Scourge.
This tale explores the dark lore of the Eastern and Western Plaguelands within the World of Warcraft, delving into the tragic fall of Lordaeron and the valiant struggles of the people who survived.
From the beginning, the Plaguelands have been a pivotal battleground in the World of Warcraft universe. The video tells the tales of the epic battles, heroic sacrifices, and enduring spirit of Azeroth’s defenders who fought to reclaim this cursed land.
Explore the harrowing events in the Plaguelands, including the Battle for Light’s Hope Chapel, the Siege of Andorhal, and the Culling of Stratholme.
Witness the rise and fall of key figures like Alexandros Mograine, the noble paladin who wielded the Ashbringer, his son, Darion Mograine, the leader of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and the indomitable forces of the Scarlet Crusade, who sought to purge the land of all undead.
Learn about the devastating aftermath of the Lich King’s reign and how the Argent Crusade, led by heroes like Tirion Fordring, fought to bring hope and healing to the blighted lands.
Discover the formation and valor of the Argent Crusade, their tireless efforts to cleanse the Plaguelands, and their unwavering resolve in the face of overwhelming odds. This video also sheds light on the enigmatic Knights of the Ebon Blade and their crucial role in the struggle against the Scourge.
Join us as we explore the entire lore of the Plaguelands including:
– The Scourging of Lordaeron
– The relentless conflicts in Stratholme and Andorhal.
– The rise of the Scarlet Crusade
– The devastating aftermath of the Lich King’s reign.
– The harrowing Battle for Light’s Hope Chapel.
– The formation and valor of the Argent Crusade.
– The tales of the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
For those fascinated by the rich lore of World of Warcraft, this video is a must-watch. It not only covers the major events and characters that shaped the history of the Plaguelands but also delves into the untold stories and hidden secrets of this iconic zone. Perfect for both seasoned WoW veterans and newcomers eager to learn about the deep history of Azeroth, this exploration of the Plaguelands will captivate and inform.
Chapters in the Plaguelands History:
00:00 – 00:23 – Lore of the Land
00:23 – 01:07 – A Far Cry
01:07 – 04:30 – Formation of Lordaeron
04:30 – 06:10 – Eastweald
06:10 – 07:47 – The Monolithic Runestones
07:47 – 09:56 – An Orcish Invasion
09:56 – 12:53 – The Silver Hand & The Second War
12:53 – 14:54 – Tirion the Outcast
14:54 – 15:44 – Birth of the Lich King
15:44 – 17:41 – The Plague of Undeath
17:41 – 19:38 – The Scourging of Lordaeron Begins
19:38 – 20:41 – The Land Falls
20:41 – 22:58 – The Culling of Stratholme
22:58 – 23:55 – Crafting the Ashbringer
23:55 – 24:45 – The Kingdom Falls
24:45 – 27:03 – Death of the Lightbringer
27:03 – 27:46 – A Thousand Fallen Champions
27:46 – 28:14 – The Plaguelands are Born
28:14 – 30:27 – The Formation of the Crusade
30:27 – 31:15 – The Argent Dawn
31:15 – 32:14 – The Western Plaguelands
32:14 – 33:18 – A Fordring Legacy
33:18 – 33:41 – The Eastern Plaguelands
33:41 – 35:01 – Into Stratholme
35:01 – 36:11 – The Fall of Naxxramas
36:11 – 37:11 – The Retaking of Andorhal
37:11 – 39:40 – The Fall of the Scarlet Enclave
39:40 – 43:11 – The Battle for Lights Hope
43:11 – 45:38 – The Brotherhood of Light
45:38 – 46:17 – The Battle for Andorhal
46:17 – 48:04 – Victory over Scholomance
48:04 – 49:51 – The Four Horseman Return
49:51 – 51:30 – Death of the Blightcaller
51:30 – 52:57 – The Book Closes
Adventure awaits!
Relevant Tales:
Stranglethorn –
Scarlet Monastery –
Join us every weekend for captivating tales from World of Warcraft’s expansive lore. From zones and dungeons to characters and more, our journey into Azeroth’s tales has just begun. Don’t miss out on the adventures that await!
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In the realm of reality, these narratives are painstakingly woven over countless hours and days. All in-game clips are culled from both World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft Classic.
My favorite tragic place in game, thanks for bringing back all the memories. Indeed the best lore in the game
Cant wait to put my daughter to sleep whole listening to this
Well what convenient timing for me to randomly decide to look up plaguelands lore
I've been waiting so excitedly for this one! Thank you again
Welcome back to the library everyone! There’s plenty of lore in this tale, some of the stories are the very best that the world has to offer so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! Have a good week, light be with you 📚📖
I remember my first time going into the healing Eastern Plaguelands and I got a little emotional. It was nice seeing some sort of recovery.
This channel is so good, i might actually "ring that bell icon".
31:00 It wasn't just the infected that he purged! Or I guess it was if he assumed that every citizen of Stratholme was already infected. Iy was a horrible thing! Although I'd be lying if I daid that I didn't understand why he did it! Because its undeniable that some people would lie about themselves, or others, having already ate the infected grain! But there were better ways to handle it, where not everyone would have had to be butchered!
The plaguelands was always one of my favorite zones to explore. So much lore there. Great video as always! I can't wait for the next one.
My favourite video of yours. I've been waiting for this! ❤
i love these videos man, keep em coming absolute bangers ❤
like, comment and scrubslide
Hey great video, can i ask if this is voiceover work or AI narrator? plz lmk thx!
I will always hate Uther for his horrible acts in the Shadowlands. I want Arthas back.
Amazing ..thanks a lot
Amazing vid! Lovely story telling <3
Peak lore for the game. I feel like after this it was all grasping for that hype again.
Hey! great video once again!
The plaguelands is such a central of warcraft lore it is hard to wrap your head around.
Holding to this day some of the most significant places and areas in the game, and concentrated this small makes it quite intence…
My first time here i got completely overwhelmed by it all and all its stories. Just seeing Uther the lightbringers grave first hand was just a "WOW!!!" moment for me.
I can only imagine how long it took to make this story come together like this and in under one hour! Personaly it would take me days to explain it!
Best wishes from Sweden!
Could you do a video abut Wrathion cause that’s my boyfriend.
What’s up with the Dead Scar btw
I do wonder if these areas will be purified along with Ghostlands
LIved in piece then suddenly the fire nation attacked….
My favourite place in Azeroth ever since day 1 of playing an Undead and running through the Bulwark at level 8 then getting wreckt by a diseased bear with a skull for a level.
This was the very first zone I remember seeing my ex play that made me want to make a character. Prior my little sister had me play but I kept dying in the Undercity elevators so :/ But this…. I was so ready to dive into this part of the game… I made a human rogue and my life changed forever.
A other good vidoe dude keep you rock
Barely sad, lol jk
Keep doing these videos man! Love the content!
Welcome back?
Bitch I am so glad to be back.
Great video!
Thank you dude, great video, keep it up!
Amazing video! Would love to see a lore video on the Argents as well!
While I have been playing WoW since launch, it always bugged me that after clearing quest zones, the problems are still there. Nothing ever gets changed really. I really liked when they introduced phasing, but wish it would've worked toward actually improving these places.
where can i find those video sequences?
Great work 👏
Just out of curiosity where do you get all the game footage?
I'm hoping that in Midnight we finally see the surviving Lordaeron Humans retake Tyr's Hand as a City and Stratholme City at last for the Remains of Lordaeron Kingdom.
I miss these dungeons..
This is so cool
You know how many slimes I killed to never get the pet. That many!
Oh look, another new WarCraft lore channel in 2024! As to the subject, when I barely understood what WoW was, I had dreams of cleansing Plaguelands of the Forsaken (in TFT, the Plaguelands refers to the entirety of the diseased Lordaeron). (I got the general fantasy from the Sin'dorei starting zone, at least.)
– Adûnâi
Warcraft 1,and most of Warcraft 3,actually take place there.
(before undercity was undercity)
I dunno about you guys, but WPL and EPL was my endgame as a paladin.
Killing dragons and trolls didnt fulfill my pala fantasy, so i grinded for gold in EPL every raid-free second i had 😅